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Ce asculti acum? v.3

I'm still listening to the epic Lindsey Stirling :love:
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

Ascultam mai mereu trupa asta acum 3-4 ani de zile. Le-am ascultat aproape toate melodiile (sau poate doar cele cat de cat cunoscute).
Zilele astea eu cu prietena mea am depanat amintiri si ne-am pus pe ascultat toate melodiile/trupele de prin vara/primara anilor 2010-2012. 21
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

DAFUQ IZ DIS Sh1TZ ! Deja ma dor urechile 20( cel mai urat sunet posibil ...
[Imagine: i1UaYaJ.jpg]
Humans, puzzles.

Got this from Kommissar yesterday,
Today their whole discography is on my pc.
[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!

@Darkness, I could say the same things about "your" song. Just her face it's enough for me not to sleep anymore.

System Of A Down - Question!
Din melodie in melodie, desi stiu trupa de cativa ani, mi-am dat seama ca aproximativ toate melodiile lor sunt bune.
Inafara de faptul ca inceputul e foarte misto, vocea solistului e si mai si.
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Am gasit-o la recomandari pe youtube. Damn, I missed IAMX. <3
[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

Videoclipul e foarte relaxant, vocea cantaretului imi incanta auzul, iar povestea din spatele MV-ului e draguta. Imi place rebelismul celor doua si acele momente dragute si foarte... "intime" impreuna (striptease-ul nu e chiar asa intim).
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Nu e cine stie ce ca melodie, dar o ascult de ceva timp ca o obsedata. Bine, e din ASoIaF si asta e suficient ca sa-mi placa, mai ales acum ca am ascultat atatea versiuni ale Rains of Castamere ca incepeam sa ma simt mai Lannister decat ar fi trebuit. Nu, serios, am 4 numai in telefon. Ca sa revin totusi la The Bear and the Maiden Fair, stiu ca e un cantec de "bumti bumti" medieval, dar se potriveste la atatea personaje. Primii care imi vin in minte ar fi Jorah si Dany, dar aia ma enerveaza, deci raman cu SanSan si Brienne/Jaime. In fine, am mai auzit vreo doua interpretari, dar asta imi place cel mai mult. Si aici ma opresc, pentru ca presimt ca daca mai continui ajung iar la carte si dau prea multe spoilere.
[Imagine: tumblr_lv3rziB5Jg1qcnuye.gif]

Ca tot maine incepe liceul, sa imi mai linistesc sufletul cu o melodie care ma unge la corason. Nu doar pentru tilul ce m-a atras imediat, dar pentru versurile minunate, dedicate lui Lucifer.

Imi place combinatia si negativul -melodia nu este intunecata, ceea ce e destul de placut.
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Imi era dor sa ascult ceva de la Jason 4 ... la la la la LOLOLOLOL
[Imagine: i1UaYaJ.jpg]
Humans, puzzles.

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