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Ce Asculti acum?

Stiu melodia din Spiral....asa ca am cautato si am luato4
[Imagine: Alugays.png]
1) Esti pe net
2) Esti pe forumul AnimeZup
3) Imi citesti semnatura
5) Nu ai observat ca lipseste punctul 4
6) Tocmai ai verificat daca exista punctul 4
7) Zambesti, sau chiar razi

am gasito din intamplar epe net,mia placut asa k am luato :10:

September - can't get over
15 yeh..adevarat ..>.< ))

Ce ascult eu...pai..o melodie data de prietena mea cea mai buna...e atat de tare!
Adda-Prietenie adevarata
Foarte draguta^^
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

Eu ascult o melodie care mmi-a aratat-o maestrul praise[adica Tornado :->]
Static-x ~ The only
'm winning, You're losing.
I'm falling.
Your agony,
lower, than lower.
Before, your forgotten memory.
Heaven, Your Hell.
I'm killing your fantasy.
More, and more.
You follow, your deepest reality.

You're trying to take me, They're trying to make me.
This is the only, Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying, I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand is what I feel.

Identity, Fantasy, Heresy, Killing me.
Lower, than lower.
Before, this faintathy.
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic, Heretic.
More, and more.
You follow, your deepest reality.

You're trying to take me, They're trying to make me.
This is the only, Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying, I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand is what I feel.

Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic, Heretic.
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic, Heretic.
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic, Heretic.
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic, Heretic.

You're trying to take me, They're trying to make me.
This is the only, Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying, I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand is what I feel.

You're trying to take me, They're trying to make me.
This is the only, Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying, I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand is what I feel.

[da,am simtit ca trebuie sa pun si versurile 8D]

Btw,thx mosule xD

artist-din pacate nu il stiu 15 srry
song-Never Had A Dream Come True

Burzum - Dunkelheit

Cred că-i melodia care-mi place cel mai mult de la ei. Şi instrumentalul este ... @_@ superb.

Papa Roach-last resort
ador mell asta,prima oara am ask la un amv naruto

Thinking of you by ATC
*yeh 21 ce melodie..imi place ..merita ascultata i'm leastening to

cinema bizarre-escape to the stars

4 :X !!!!
2 squirrels: one english, one romanian. Each squirrel in her tree . E. squirrel was fucking a nut. R. squirrel ask: - Are you fucking crazy? E. squirrel answer: - No, I`m fucking nuts .

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