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Cateva desene ^^

Salut tuturor!^w^
Imi place mult sa desenez,asa ca m am gandit sa pun niste desene sa va faceti o idee XD
Astept parerile voastre 71
Asa ,sa incepem 21 :
Cam atat ^^
Sper sa va placa!4
Her whisper is the Lucifer! <3

[Imagine: 2683379297_dd6b650ea2.jpg]

No matter how big the word is ,
If we are meant to be together
Love will lead us to be together >w< ♥♥

[Imagine: tumblr_lebpkxcyAu1qbqpw2.jpg]
[Imagine: chibi_8777.gif]
Froggy, chibi-ul lui FrogyGirl

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