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Baieti vs. Fete! v3

386... aww~ baby, ai revenit!
[Imagine: a17504639be4b10d04424d855865eb53.gif][Imagine: A5D0F5D61805ED04AAC6EC72A0549F025BF7966A]
”Know that the only people you can save like that are the ones that survive.”

385 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

Elda Taluta
Sarks Sark
Ark Alks

613 to go Crazy-monkey-emoticon-081

Ermm.. Cristi XD?...

[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]

@Cristi223 de unde 600+ 21 Nu furam.
Uitate la ultimul post ce numar e nu la prima pagina sau jumate idk
Elda Taluta
Sarks Sark
Ark Alks

388 hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

387 he he he 71)
[Imagine: a17504639be4b10d04424d855865eb53.gif][Imagine: A5D0F5D61805ED04AAC6EC72A0549F025BF7966A]
”Know that the only people you can save like that are the ones that survive.”

386 ddddddddddddd
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]


[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!

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  Baieti vs Fete V2 Azazel 2.243 587.299 02-11-2013, 06:27 AM
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