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Baieti vs Fete V2

Know the feeling. I-as da acum cuiva o palma dupa ceafa...
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.


21) Si totusi...beeeeeer /drool
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

E deja 2 fara 25?! Nici gand sa plec. Stau pana adorm cu telefonul in mana si cutia de bere goala.
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.


Great way to fall asleep 4.
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

Noapte buna. :3
[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]

501. Vino cu 500, s? dorm lini?tit?.
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]


Noapte buna, Nykky dear! hug Hell-o, Ana! hug And....good night to you too! 21 hug Time for me to get some sleep as well 4.
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

500. Noapte bun?.
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

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  Baieti vs. Fete! v3 Sushiiushii 1.819 462.123 27-10-2020, 01:17 AM
Ultimul răspuns: Katana

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