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Baieti vs Fete V2


516. Chara
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]

514. Ananana~
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

513 Mdudecomeon

512. Mmm, imi place avatarul.
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]

510. Mai avem putin si egalam.
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

Da.da. ~
[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]


Nu e asa amuzant fara competitie. 2
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

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