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Anno...Nu pot spune ca e o pasiune recenta dar nici una ce tine de mult timp.Imi place sa scriu.Nu stiu cat sunt de buna pentru ca niciodata nu m am 'desfasurat' in fata nimanui dar m am gandit sa postez aici si acum cateva din incercarile mele.Nu le pot spune poezii caci initial erau melodii dar fiindca nu am avut inspiratie pentru muzica le am lasat asa.

Ca sa nu existe confuzii:

~Scriu din punctul de vedere al unui baiat
~Scriu in engleza(rar combinat cu japoneza) dar va avertizez.Engleza mea nu e perfecta TT_TT
~Totul vine din interior fara sa ma inspir...stiti voi in ce sens

Daca nu intelegeti depre ce e vorba puteti sa mi spuneti…


It was almost like a fairytail
You were baring the clouds with a smile
I was holding your hand so tigh
Like somebody will take you away
But now my fearings came true
I started to miss you

Until yesterday you didn’t stop from smiling
Until yesterday every star was shining
But now sky’s darker than ever
Even him wants us together
Seven pointless seconds without you
Seven hot tears on each cheek
Seven days on week spent with you
Seven roses for each of them
Their usubeni color showing my love
Now roses sleeps wan on your grave
The roses lost their splendid color
So your beautiful and young skin

Nobody’s perfect,I now perfectly
But you were just perfect to me
You were an angel,white ‘n’ pure
Too good for this world for sure
Chidly-sight printed in memory
Like aghost,she is hunting me

‘Hello’ ‘ I love you’ ‘Adio’
A film it’s rolling in my mind
It’s a film with a tragic end
Wich came too soo…Too soon
‘Ne’ ‘Aishiteru’ ‘Sayonara
Seven days,seven roses for you
Too little…Too little,That is true

A greeting,a smile,a feeling
Wich grown a bit too much
So now it hurts…Its burning

I remember,I’ll forever remember
A film it’s rolling in my mind
From beginning to end
From end to beginning

Now roses sleeps wan on your grave
I could not save you using my love
The roses lost their splendid color
So your beautiful and young skin
[Imagine: tumblr_ljt9kkUjPo1qe6xr2.gif]

"An intellectual solve the problems,a genius avoid them"

Wow!Ce sa zic...Nu sunt prea priceputa dar imi place.Stilul tau e original iar poezi..cantecul...sau marog...are la baza un subiect delicat si destul de profunda.Ar trebui sa faci si muzica,e pacat s o lasi asa.Mai avem :)) ?

Da,o sa mai postez.Nu o fac neaparat ca sa primesc pareri dar nici ele n ar strica :)) Nu de alta dar sa stiu ca pe viitor sa mi corectez greselile.Nu stiu ce sa zic de muzica TT_TT...Nu promit nimic.
[Imagine: tumblr_ljt9kkUjPo1qe6xr2.gif]

"An intellectual solve the problems,a genius avoid them"


'Don't jump' i said
With my body trembling
But my voice still confident
Just maybe i'll turn your mind

'Don't jump' i said
'I love you too much'
But you ignored my words
Still you
Wanted to cut off your life

I still ask gods
Why did they let this happen
I still ask gods
Wich was your acting reason
Have i done something wrong?
We could've been a graceful duo
But grace disappeared with you
Right before my eyes
You prepared your wings to fly
Unfortenelly they didnt open
Right before my eyes
A quiet rainy summer evening
Turned into a terrible,black night

Love is good
Love is god
Love it’s the most amazing
But the most mosntruous thing
Love is goog
Love is god
This is such a obviously lie
You left me alone in the rain
Screaming your name in pain

‘Don’t jump’ I said
You didn’t even turned to me
And it passed through my head
A funny
Think…That I’d change your wish

I’d die
For you to live,my dear ‘raven’
I’d burn
In Hell,for you to go in Haven
You would never do the same thing
You should have been hating me
Cause you abandoned me so simply
Love is good
Love is god
Love is a monstruous thing
And you were damn cruel
You knew searing
My heart is searing too…
[Imagine: tumblr_ljt9kkUjPo1qe6xr2.gif]

"An intellectual solve the problems,a genius avoid them"


The smile will drown
Into a sea of tears
The spring will chill
Cause of our coolness
The memories will miss
We'll forget all it was

Return me to past
Rotate time roulette
Regive me the days
We were only kids
When we didn't know
What means 'sorrow'

Once holding your hand
Was something normal
Once was all so simple
Birds are not chirping
We're lost in unexpected
We were scared about

We used to play ball
In the candy shop s wall
And We used to sing
In the old wood swing
We used to see the miracle
Behind the catastrophe
We were still beleiving
Into goodness hiding
Under people cold faces

But people continued hating us
They continued blaming us
Easy-easy touching our souls
'Unexpected' called present
I was sure I will regret...Left
Lost and empty promises
'Never again' called past

But it's alright I guess
All the things changes
All we have to do is to
Accept the'misterious
Called future...

Our sicky romance sloved
As sand from a desert of
Disapointments...I see
The dry maple wichs
Shadow covered us
Losing until his last leaf....

sorry...I know...Too long...Too boring T_T
[Imagine: tumblr_ljt9kkUjPo1qe6xr2.gif]

"An intellectual solve the problems,a genius avoid them"

Nyyaa!!Ai postat iar!Nu prea am timp sa intru pe site asa ca n am avut cum sa le citesc.'Don't jump'>>suna ca melodia celor de la tokyo hotel ;)).Interesant subiect,cuvintele sunt alese chiar bine.Din nou:ai propriul stil,original,e bine.A doua e la fel de dragutza.Din cate am inteles eu e vorba de 2...tineri,prieteni din copilarie ce ajung sa se indragosteasca si sa se...desparta?T..ris...T.Dar nu i prea inteleg titlu :)) Scz ...sunt tare de cap

Ah!Mersi mult!Titlul era defapt Unexpected expeted...Adica ceva de care suntem contienti dar negam ca se va intampla vreodata din cauza fricii.
[Imagine: tumblr_ljt9kkUjPo1qe6xr2.gif]

"An intellectual solve the problems,a genius avoid them"

Hello, I see you like your poetry in english, nice.
First poem:
Citat:You were bearing the clouds with a smile
Citat:I was holding your hand so tight
Citat:Like if somebody will take you away
Citat:But now my fearings came true
Wtf fearing?? poate fears, nu reinventa lb engleză te rog:))
Citat:Until yesterday you didn’t stop from smilling
Citat:But the now sky’s darker than ever
Citat:Now roses sleep wan on your grave
Ce înseamnă "wan" ??
Gata m-am plictisit :)) Că-s şi leneş dar ai înţeles, de vrei să scrii în engleza îţi trebuie un vocabular la fel de dezvoltat ca cel de limba română, pentru a realiza fraze, versuri, figuri de stil originale.
Şi nu foloseşti deloc semne de pnuctuaţie, ai aruncat de fapt nu numai la prima, dar la toate 3 poeziile, versurile le-ai aruncat în haos, deşi majoritatea nu-s versuri, ci proze pe verticală, cum le spun eu, că mai mult e o naraţiune epică, decât una lirică.
Nu pui articolul nehotârât, nu ştii unele articulaţii la verbe , la plural, ai inventat şi două cuvinte noi parcă.
Dar mai întâi încearcă cu ceva mai scurt, ceva cu rimă, ritm, măsură, ceva scurt şi bun :)
Încearcă rima împerecheată.
În rest sper să nu te superi la ce-am scris, just trying to help ou!
Good luck and have fun!
I've been wrong, I've been down
Into the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream *are we having fun yet?*

Hey!!Stai putin :)) deci inseamna ca translatorul minte!Am vrut sa vad cu ce pot inlocui "fears" si mi a dat mai multe variante printe care si "fearings",ok?:-? Mie mi s a paut dubioasa dar ma rog...Iar "wan" e echivalent cu "pale".Nu am inventat nimic.Si cum am zis,nu s chiar poezii...Nu s ce o fi ele...cantece...proze...In fine...Mersi de comentariu.A!Si bine punctat.Sunt foarte haotica si dezorganizata >_>

App si multe greseli de tastare. TT_TT[posturi unite]

Mda...Si pentru ca sunt foaaaaaaaaaaaarteeee lenesa iar "creatiile" mele muuult prea lungi...


Again...Here alone...In my colorless world
Leaves are drying slowly
And stars aren't sparkling
The clouds stoped traveling the smoky sky

Again...Here alone...In my soundless world
Crystal silence broke
By a squeaky violin
No doub,the archangels of the hereafter

Hm...Again...Here...struggling,seized by fear
As I'm really scared that muffled air will choke me
As I really wanna escape from stiflayng the black
As It Is the first time I hear that vexatious song
As It Is the first time the knife pierce my chest
Hm...Funny...Here...Again...At the border...
Please,I crave you,don't save me again
Just sing me a lullaby an' make my pain
Sweeter than Is she.I smile.Smile back
Cause I'll light a last cigarette And I'll
Walk across...

Uite o idiotenie iesita din mintea mea bolnava ieri.Huh!Ce usor e sa dai copy/peste.
[Imagine: tumblr_ljt9kkUjPo1qe6xr2.gif]

"An intellectual solve the problems,a genius avoid them"

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