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some oneshots

hehe ... am facut o mica povestioara mai scary o.O...hope you'll like it :)

The mystery of the death

"Do you really think it deserves to live? At the end you will forget, you will suffer and you will die.
I remember clearly that pale face, so pale like my heart and so stained of the red of dead like the wounds of my soul. She had a confused and sad look like the darkness of my mind with tears that always appear when she comes.
The first time I met her was in the middle of a strong storm at the end of October when I was 10. There in the darkness of the forest I lived with my mother and father in a small and tumbledown house.
The silence of the night was strongly troubled by the screams of my parents. I was hidden in a corner of my room misunderstanding seriousness of the situation. Suddenly I pluck my courage and I opened the door and I saw him slapping her and then the weak light stopped to watch over us. In the middle of the night she appeared, she raised my parents with an incredible force and crushed their heads and let them sleep in a pond of blood. I stayed still when our eyes encountered, she had a cold and indifferently look, she approached and whispered “Everything will be all right “.
I was ready to die looking into her eyes, but she disappeared in the silent night. After my parents death the mayor took care of me.
Drops of water were knocking at my window and a mysterious crow was staring at me, the wind was blowing faster. This was the second time I saw her, at 14 years old. I looked on the window, she was there watching through flimsy glass of the window on the place I was staying thinking of my revenge, to make her suffer. She turned around and she took a little girl like me and tied her to a linden tree and burned her. The girl was crying, yelling and fighting for her life. I tried to help her , I picked a knife and thrown it through the window which broke in thousands of pieces into her. The knife devastated her face, fragments of her face were disappearing underneath the reddish flesh was trying to find the way to the surface letting the blood to stain her kimono. She disappeared. She appeared in my back and said “ One more try and you will fail ! “ , after this she changed into black butterflies which were flying outside. It seemed strange that nobody saw the incident , the little girl disappeared leaving behind only ash.
Every time her eyes were carrying a bigger suffering than the one I was preparing for her. I was terrified, no, I was confused . I wanted desperately to find out who she really was. Yet at 18 I saw her for the last time, it was a rough time, the rain was falling to break windows and the cool of the night was growing faster. The moon was smiling knowing what will happen.
I woke up from a nightmare in the middle of my room which was small and with no air, the smell of the blood was strong, I could not move .
First I thought that was because of the fear that was raising with no explanation. But later I realized that it was something else. A fresh cut had place on my body. It was deep. I was terrified staying in my bed in my own blood. The time was passing slowly. I closed and opened my eyes to wake up from this nightmare but I realized that it was the reality. Then I heard her. I heard her laugh. In that moment I felt I could move. I got up from my bed touching the walls and drag my feet to open the door leaving a red trace. She passed near me as if I was not there. I tried to catch her, I pulled her long white hair like the snow and curly like the sea waves but she unbalanced, caught my hand and stick her nails in my flesh so hard that the skin fell apart and started to fall red drops and she cracked her head in the corner of the table staying still. I was shocked and I called her “Hey wake up do not make fool of me!”. She seemed so quiet with her big closed eyes, with her fine pink lips and her opened colored face; she looked like an angel, but I was wrong. Being in my room I looked into the mirror , it was strange because the wounds were deep and I felt only dizzy, my face was horrible with dark circles under my blue eyes and my dark hair was ruffled. I heard a horrible sound. I was looking at her corpse , but nothing , I was looking behind , but nothing. I looked in the mirror and I saw her embracing me .It was hard for me to see what she was doing because the mirror started to crack, anyway I saw her pale smile. She had a sword pointed to my neck, in that moment I realized what fear was. There was a lot of blood and then I understood that throw my body she stuck the sword killing her.
Despite the fact that 4 years passed I still see her, fell her even though is my imagination or the fact that she tried to make me think so. For this I leave a memory of my soul for those who will be concerned for me and do not judge me because I will live with my consciousness very loaded. "

True testimony. It was said that the victim was found in the bathroom in a tub full of blood with this letter in his hands. This is how the death picks its victims.

S is for the simplety
E is for the extazy
X is just a mark to spot
'Cause that's the one you really want!

That's what i'm talking about! : :X:X:X

[Imagine: 190109.jpg]

To be passionate about yaoi is not a crime !

Nu comentez prea multe.
Du-te si invata engleza te rog.

Sper ca cineva care are mai multa rabdare decat am eu sa iti faca un bine sa sa listeze toate greselile pe care le-ai facut aici.
Sunt multe, altfel o faceam eu.

De ce scrii in engleza? Nu-i nimic special in asta, nimic deosebit. Persoanele care scriu in engleza o fac pentru ca asa se exprima mai usor (sau pentru ca scriu pe un site international, xD). Ramai la o limba pe care o stapanesti, alminteri nu numai ca n-o sa reusesti sa creezi ceva de calitate, dar nici macar nu o sa pot observa apreciativ ceea ce ai creat.
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

ok .. bine am sa ma las de scris proza in ,limba engleza ... pana cand nu o sa ma perfectionez cu ea .. anyway mersi pentru sfaturi din nou ;;) .. acum m-am gandit sa pun ceva yaoi ... deoarece sunt un fan al acestui gen ...ummm e boy x boy daca nu va place atunci nu cititi ;;) umm cred ca ar mai trebui sa metionez ca e cam 16+ ... so here we go

Sperante naruite

Incetul cu incetul s-a lasat noaptea , aducand cu ea frumosul praf de stele. Orasul nipon este scufundat in liniste totala.
~ Ding-dong~
Soneria usii imi deranjeaza somnul linistit. Morocanos , fara sa-mi pese ca am pe mine doar o pereche de boxeri negri, imi tarasc picioarele pana la usa casei mele si descui. Eram curios cine ar putea sa-mi faca o vizita la miezul noptii. Dupa usa,prietenul meu cel mai bun se chinuia sa-si tina lacrimile-n frau.
Cand mi-a intalnit privirea ingrijorata , dar totusi calda si plina de compasiune nu s-a mai putut abtine si a sarit in bratele plangand si suspinand, iar de data aceasta fara retineri.
- Haide Aki , intra.Fate comod pe canapea si spune-mi ce s-a intamplat. rostesc eu incercand sa par calm ,dar eram din ce in ce mai ingijorat.
Aki, insa ma strange si mai tare in brate continuand sa planga . Stiind ca ne privesc vecinii, l-am luat pe sus finut si l-am asezat pe canapea. Vrand sa fiu o gazda buna , l-am servit cu un pahar de Pepsi , iar eu mi-am luat o doza de bere.
Vazand ca ,in cele din urma .s-a mai linistit il indemn sa-mi povesteasca ce-l doare. Aplecandu-se in fata parul lui lung , saten deschis ii acopereau ochii albastrii , inecati in lacrimi.
-Shin ! Takashi ... Takashi m-a inselat ...l-am para ... nu si-a putut termina fraza din cauza ca lacrimile au inceput din nou mai tare sai curga siroaie peste obraji.
„ Stiam eu ca nu e nimic bun in tipu acela” am marait eu in gand . „De la inceput nu am fost decaord cu relatia lor , dar am cedat vrand sa-l vad pe Aki fericit” am oftat abatut si l-am luat din nou in brate , dupa ce am pus berea si sucul , de care nu s-a atins , deoparte.
Picaturi grele de ploaie batau la fereastra. Ploia perturba linistea intregului oras.
Au trecut cateva ore bune de cand am stat imbratisati ascultand sunetul linistitor al ploii.La un moment dat Aki si-a ridicat privirea , trecandu-si mana prin parul meu brunet. S-a apropiat din ce in ce mai mult de mine si mi-a cuprins buzele pentru un sarut. Desi , la inceput am ezitat, am cedat pana la urma si l-am lasat sa-mi cerceteze lacasul umed , raspunzandu-i cu aceeasi pasiune.
„ Adevarul este ca de cand eram mici l-am placut. Nu am gasit curaj ca sa i-o spun in fata , iar cand am avut , acel Takashi mi-a luat-o inainte , luandu-mi de langa mine cea mai importanta persoana din viata mea”
L-am intins usor pe canapea continuand sa-l sarut. Ne opream doar atunci cand aveam disperata de aer , asa de infometat eram din cauza lui.
- Aki , nu mai pot sa rezist ! Daca mai continuam nu stiu cum ar putea ajunge situatia...i-am soptit rasufland sacadat .Acesta insa mi-a acaparat din nou buzele pentru un sarut . Nu simtieam ca era doar un simplu sarut , simteam ca facea dragoste cu gura mea , parca devorand-o. Mi-am strecurat mana sub tricoul lui. Simteam cum tremura , excitandu-se doar de la o simpla atingere.Am rupt ultimul sarut pentru al scapa de fiecare articol de imbracaminte. I-am ridicat incet tricoul sarutandu-i gatul, apoi pieptul , iar apoi am inceput sa ma joc cu unul din mugurii lui intariti : sugand si lingad. In tot acest timp , aki, scotea niste gemete infundate, care ma provocau sa-mi pierd capul, sa nu mai gandesc limpede . Toate acele senzatii care imi circulau prin corp ,ma faceau sa imi doresc sa-l am pe aki aproape pentru tot restul vietii mele.
Dupa ce i-am aruncat tricoul undeva pe podea am coborat jos , dezmierdandu-i abdomenul cu sarutari scurte , jucause. I-am descheiat pantalonii ce imi pareau prea stramti pentru membrul lui deja intarit si am tras de ei descotorosindu-ma si de acestia. Cand am incercat sa scap de boxeri i-am auzit vocea ce ii dadea de gol excitarea pe care o simtea.
- Ah !! insa parea un „nu” atat de slab incat nici Aki, care l-a pronuntat,nu parea convins de protest. Era atat de neputincios dedesuptul meu si nici nu stia ce putere avea asuprea mea cand isi arata aceasta latura a lui , imi trezea pofta carnala . Mangaindu-l prin boxeri m-am ridicat in fata lui , dandu-i parul umed, de transpiratie, de pe fata cu ma na stanga , iar cu mana dreapta continuand sa-l satisfac provocand-ul sa scoata gemete pline de dorinta. Dupa care l-am sarutat apasat spunandu-i:
- Shh... Linistestete! Totul o sa fie bine!
La auziul acestor cuvinte l-am simtit linistindu-se sub mine . Tremuratul provocat de frica i se potolea incet , incet fiind inlocuit de cel provocat de dorinta. Dupa ce i-am mai simtit inca o data gustul dulce al buzelor lui am coborat la gattul lui firav lasandu-i o ura rosiatica : dovada iubirii ce i-o purtam. In cele din urma am reusit sa scap de boxerii lui fara nici un alt protest. Eram fericit ca-l aveam langa mine, ca-l simteam atat de aproape, atat de nerabdator si atat de infierbantat incat nu m-am mai putut abtine. Am scapat si de boxerii mei aruncandu-i la repezeala pe parchet. La inceput l-am patruns cu doua degete , pentru a-l obisnui. Gemete nerusinate au inceput din nou sa se faca auzite in toata incaperea.Cand l-am penetrat incet glasul parca ii era invelit in miere , parca dorindu-si sa nu ma opresc. Cel putin nu inca . Oricum nu aveam de gand sa ma opresc . Cand am inceput sa ma misc din ce in ce mai repede senzatiile care-mi invadau corpul ma aduceau in pragul extazului il simteam asa de stramt si asa dornic sa mi se daruiasca incat nu-i puteam rezista. L-as fi urmat oriunde daca mi-ar fi cerut-o,as fi facut orce pentru el .
Dupa un timp , cand se eliberase glasul lui a scapat un cuvant. La incepu nu mi-am dat seama , dar apoi am inteles . Imi strigase numele „ Shin”. Mi-am dat si eu drumul soptindu-i :
- Te iubesc ! Akira , te iubesc !
Raspunsul , insa nu l-am mai putut auzi deoarece oboseala prietenului meu , acum , isi spunea cuvantul. A adormit inca rasufland sacadat si rostindu-mi incetisor numele. Vazandu-l acolo , asa linistit, stiind ca a fost al meu , mi s-a umplut inima de incatare . L-am luat incet in brate, incercand sa nu-l trezesc si l-am carat pana in dormitor , strecurand-ul sub asternuturile mele dintr-un material fin .Apoi m-am asezat si eu in pat invelindu-ne , fiind fericit ca aveam suficient spatiu pentru al cuibarii pe Aki la pieptul meu.Desi afara era posomorat, inca ploua. Inauntru caldura emanata de noi doi ma facea sa zambesc , sa ma gandesc ca tot ce se petrecuse in aceasta noapte parca este un vis frumos devenit realitate. Cu acest sentiment in minte am reusit in sfarsit sa adorm.
Dimineata , cand soarele isi strecurase razele lui mangaietoare, calde prin fereastra , deranjandu-ma l-am injurat in gand . Dorindu-mi ca noaptea sa fi durat mult mai mult de atat. Imi imaginasem de multe ori aceasta dimineata. Cand ne trezeam unul in bratele celuilalt , cand ii priveam chipul somnoros trezindu-se, cand imparteam micul de jun impreuna. Insa atunci cand m-am trezit realitatea m-a izbit brusc. El nu era langa mine.
Aveam sa cred ca ma lasasem din nou prada unui vis daca nu i-as fi simtit parfumul in asternuturi si nu as fi gasit un mesaj. Pe o bucatita de hartie , rupta in graba Aki mi-a explicat de ce a plecat. Fara sa vreau lacrimile amara au inceput sa-mi curga pe fata palida. „ Lacrimile , deseori, sunt cele care iti alina sufletul atunci cand suferi din dragoste” ma gandeam neputincios . Nu ma pot stapani sa nu citesc acel mesaj inca o data...

Cand m-am trezit langa tine un sentiment zdrobitor de tristete si de amagire mi-a invadat inima. Insa de fiecare data cand te priveam in pat , dormind, imi imaginam viitorul nostru impreuna. Desi recunosc ca ar fi minunat sa-mi incep viata din nou cu o persoana ca tine , buna , iubitoare , mereu gata sa-i ajute pe ceilalti, eu nu pot sa fac una ca asta. Ceva lipseste! Nu sunt inca pregatit !

Imi pare rau ,

Din nou am ajuns la concluzia ca visele sunt ca un drog. Atunci cand le gusti te simti in euforie , in extaz, fericit, dar cand efectul lor dispare si realitatea te oveste te simti rau. Pur si simplu iti este greata de realitatea crunta in care ti-e dat sa traiesti. Te simti tradat si pierdut . Inima ti-e sdrobita , iar sufletu iti este incarcat...Dragostea e o provocare ... Indraznesti sa o accepti?

S is for the simplety
E is for the extazy
X is just a mark to spot
'Cause that's the one you really want!

That's what i'm talking about! : :X:X:X

[Imagine: 190109.jpg]

To be passionate about yaoi is not a crime !

Imi place foarte mult :D.. Inca de la inceput m-a facut sa vreau sa o citesc....

Sincer as vrea sa vad o continuare.. chiar daca este oneshot. :)
[Imagine: theDizzyfile.png]

Oho ! Am ajuns si eu aici !
Deci ...
Imi place mai ales ca e sumbru .
Sa vad in continuare
ce mai ticluiesti ,
avand in vedere ca e
oneshot . :)

Cya <3 ! :bye:
[center][Imagine: 17d10516.gif]
Listen true music xD

Smoke the life ,
Cuz` life smoke you. xD[/center]

Am citit si eu operele tale;))
Imaginatia ta ma uimeste ca de obicei:P Bravo!!
Mi-ar placea daca ai mai posta cateva din creatiile tale, deoarece imi trezesc interesul!!
Multa bafta si inspiratie!!
Ja ne!!
[Imagine: sam-dean-2.gif]

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