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Dedicatie Muzicala

Nope, Nope, you haven't, dar il stiam de ceva vreme, desinu sunt prea familiarizata cu el . Anyway, liked it. < 33

Asta'mi aminteste intr'un fel ciudat de asta I don't know if you like it, dar hai ca risc. :p

E simpatic, suna asa...a muzica de pocaiti ;D- chilling, likeable.

Accept-Breaker Asta mai distrugem putin atmosfera ! 10
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

Hehe, I'm really really lovin' it. N'as fi crezut that I'll have a good time at 6 AM. Or smth like that. 21

I'll go with Zakk Wylde Cuz he's awesome.

Loovely! (Cool man, haha!)

Placebo - Sleeping With Ghosts
Sa te vaz cum o simti p-asta 10

Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

Placebo has daaaamn good songs as always. Touchin' lyrics.
It's a good one.

Can I goo with Placebo too? Every you and every me or Pure morning

Ofc you can, I love both! (reascultarile nu strica niciodata 10)

Iti plac vechiturile, aye? Skid Row - Youth Gone Wild
...cuz we are!
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

Ofcourse I like them. < 333
And this one really gets me in the mood.

Come now my lovely, won't you
Take a midnight stroll with me? -> click

It's funny that I fuckin' love it. :
Aw, da, ignora prima secunda.21
Edit:The f**k nu'mi arata ce am pus, let me fix it

I'd damn would! Daca ai fi stat prin zona te-as fi scos la o bere, I'm so in the mood....dar NU, satucul cu semnal prost ruleaza.

"Now I'll go to the fridge and open a beer....and drink it at the lap...alone- like a fuckin' sad person"

HIM - Sweet pandemonium
Cam singura bunicica de la ei ... 10

Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

Sunt fata marfa. tz tz tz
Journey Man

Edit: Spam, ne? Eh, e greu sa faci posturi decente dupa o noapte alba. Anyway, mai adaug o melodie. For your av 'cuz Tank Girl it's a badass. Let's do it As fi pus "Boys wanna be her" da neeh, you gived me that one some time ago . 10 Oricum, destul de okay melodia, ne?

Nu ştiu de ce, dar îţi dau asta : .
Să mă anunţi dacă îţi place sau nu, să ştiu să nu mai fac vreo boacănă data viitoare.

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