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Chestionar: What is your oppinion of that statement?
It's full of balloney, there is no such thing.
3 30.00%
I have to admit it's possible that it is true, but I doubt it.
2 20.00%
OF COURSE!! now alot of other things are starting to make sense.
5 50.00%
Total 10 vot(uri) 100%
* Opțiunea ta. [Arată Rezultatele]

Mars here we come!!

in noaptea asta am vorbit cu un prieten vechi, un american care lucraza la NASA, intre altele a avut loc si urmatorul schimb de replici (numele a fost scos pt confidentialitate 10 )

Tan: and when will we get to mars
him: hmm.....already did, lol Didn't you notice we are living on mars. We built a bigggg ship and transported eveyrone and everything over already while sleeping

ce parerea aveti de afirmatia facuta de el 10?

btw, va rog daca aveti chef, sa faceti si o explicatie argumentata

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Mars here we come!! - de Tan - 07-03-2010, 08:19 AM
RE: Mars here we come!! - de BloodyInnocence - 10-03-2010, 10:43 PM
RE: Mars here we come!! - de Storymaker - 20-03-2010, 06:19 PM

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