12-03-2008, 05:48 PM
Uhm....etooooo........well....aveam un discurs de inceput pregatit,pe care l-am uitat,gomen.
Imi place nick-ul,de la ce vine?
It's pretty hard to turn my head upside down to check that white-haired boy*ahem*in your avatar,but I've done that too(auch,my neck)
Ioana,I want to see how good are you as an artist!So....I guess you know what to do...
Welcome again....and Cya!
Imi place nick-ul,de la ce vine?
It's pretty hard to turn my head upside down to check that white-haired boy*ahem*in your avatar,but I've done that too(auch,my neck)
Ioana,I want to see how good are you as an artist!So....I guess you know what to do...
Welcome again....and Cya!