Aha, deci colege de lucru, nu ? Pot sa va intreb de ce aveti acelasi ip ? Ma asptept la un raspuns sincer. Si deja eu stiu raspunsul, dar vreau sa-l aud din gura voastra. ^^ Pac, pac. V-am prins, ziceti adevarul ? ^^
Sarbatori Fericite !
P.S : Vezi ca nu am 40 de randuri la capitol, fa bine si editeaza-l sa nu ti-l sterg :>
Sarbatori Fericite !
P.S : Vezi ca nu am 40 de randuri la capitol, fa bine si editeaza-l sa nu ti-l sterg :>
Always keep the faith !
YunJae, YooSu, ChangSica, HunHan.
The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End