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Hello de la caty!

:smart:Ca sa raspund la intrebarile lui berry:
Nu obisnuiesc sa citesc manga
Cred ca...ratatouile:bv:
Toate panzele sus de radu tudoran dar si panza de paianjen de cella serghi:study:
Vroiam sa intreb ceva...cum iti pui imaginea aia ca semnatura ca am vazut la membri.Si inca ceva:dizzy:de exemplu unde poti posta un fic,imi place sa le citesc....:pfiu:
Ok,pa-pa sper sa-mi raspunda cineva
[Imagine: 339u1p3.jpg]
Paul: CAAAARRRL I watched you fire a harpoon into the captains face
Carl: That sounds dangerous
Paul: You were head-butting children off the side of the ship
Carl: That must of been horrifying to watch
Paul: And then you started making out with the ice sculptures
Carl: Well THANK GOD that the children weren't on board to see it

[Imagine: 2431486ouw57e0825.gif]<----Lissie,The skittle sheep

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Hello de la caty! - de Acadea' - 21-11-2009, 06:06 PM
RE: Hello de la caty! - de Berry. - 21-11-2009, 08:28 PM
RE: Hello de la caty! - de Acadea' - 21-11-2009, 09:28 PM

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