04-08-2009, 03:49 PM
deci... backround SUXX ASS
prea monoton,textul e,LAME.
and where is the focal point? SERIOUSLY? intotdeauna ignori focal pointul.
anyway.. nici macar flow nu ai o.o
penultimul sig care l-am vazut de la tine,credeam ca incepi sa intelegi,dar.. nu stiu... this sig suxx.
but dont worry, u need 2 find ur style thats all ^^.
prea monoton,textul e,LAME.
and where is the focal point? SERIOUSLY? intotdeauna ignori focal pointul.
anyway.. nici macar flow nu ai o.o
penultimul sig care l-am vazut de la tine,credeam ca incepi sa intelegi,dar.. nu stiu... this sig suxx.
but dont worry, u need 2 find ur style thats all ^^.
![[Imagine: dgfree.jpg]](http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6128/dgfree.jpg)
Thanks Djunknown for the present :3 means alot for me!
![[Imagine: nature.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/nature.jpg)
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