07-07-2009, 06:50 PM
Like wtf?
Take it slower
Ok let's see
Amy e vina ei(ea m-o pus sa ma inscriu)
Deocamdata imi place(pana vede Amy noul post in care scriu numa despre ea, Still she's my Hero)
Sper sa fiu un user activ. O sa fiu daca am cu cine vorbi
Oh iubesc cartile
IMi plac Sf-urile.Fantasy(no LOTR(Lord of the rings)) Nici Harry Potter(they're overrated). Damn tre sa ma scriu si in romana
Animeul meu preferat e FMA(Love you ED!!!)<<Not that kind of love>>
Let the Fun begin(bancuri jokes silly talk i can do it all My hobby is making ppl happy(since 1990)
Culoarea mea preferata e Blue
Rock baby ROCK\m/
Take it slower
Ok let's see
Amy e vina ei(ea m-o pus sa ma inscriu)
Deocamdata imi place(pana vede Amy noul post in care scriu numa despre ea, Still she's my Hero)
Sper sa fiu un user activ. O sa fiu daca am cu cine vorbi
Oh iubesc cartile
IMi plac Sf-urile.Fantasy(no LOTR(Lord of the rings)) Nici Harry Potter(they're overrated). Damn tre sa ma scriu si in romana
Animeul meu preferat e FMA(Love you ED!!!)<<Not that kind of love>>
Let the Fun begin(bancuri jokes silly talk i can do it all My hobby is making ppl happy(since 1990)
Culoarea mea preferata e Blue
Rock baby ROCK\m/
“Mankind is a futile embarrassment to the heavens, Captain Raithen. An imperfect vessel imperfectly made. We play at being omnipotent, knowing the potential perhaps lies within us yet will always be denied to us.â€(Diablo)
Dracorex and Thor
„Violenţa este ultimul refugiu al celor incompetenţi."-Salvor Hardin(Fundatia)
We live in a world that is not perfect nor painless but we live and that is all that counts.(eu,Kriptykk)
Dracorex and Thor
„Violenţa este ultimul refugiu al celor incompetenţi."-Salvor Hardin(Fundatia)
We live in a world that is not perfect nor painless but we live and that is all that counts.(eu,Kriptykk)