06-07-2009, 02:26 PM
Avatar: Ok, obvoiusly o incercare relativ nereusita de a exprima ceva dragoste ( spun asta datorita textului ) printr-o maniera emo. Meh, in fine, it says smth like :" I'm kinda emo, and I'd like to cut smth out out of me, would you mind taking my heart, so that I'll have a reason to it ?"
Signature: If I lose you, I lose my only hope, so try to hold on to me... as tight as possible.
textul nu il comentez, e text deci e evident ce zice ._. in orice caz, tot ceva depressed/unloved/emolet
Signature: If I lose you, I lose my only hope, so try to hold on to me... as tight as possible.
textul nu il comentez, e text deci e evident ce zice ._. in orice caz, tot ceva depressed/unloved/emolet