29-05-2009, 10:36 PM
Cuvantul preferat. << Pe unde colinzi tu Vlade? >> Vlad Tepes, o folosesc atunci cand ma intalnesc cu blonde/blonzi. De obicei folosesc bubu nu conteaza daca e baiat sau e fata, eu la fiecare ii zic bubu si il folosesc atunci cand sunt fericita, daca ti-am zis bubu inseamna ca sunt in toane bune. Cand ma supar incep sa injur si folosesc des: f**k you. Cand ma cert cu cea mai buna prietena a mea, dupa doua minute incep: << Hiena, te-am crescut de mica la piept si asta mi-e rasplata? >> Ce sa mai zic? daca ma apuc io sa scriu tot ce imi iese pe gura, fac cateva pagini.
In the naked light of day
Even great scientific minds,
Can not resist the seduction of immorality
But, when darkness falls,
Beasts of science
Well rise to seek revenge
The choise is yours
What do you want to do?
Even great scientific minds,
Can not resist the seduction of immorality
But, when darkness falls,
Beasts of science
Well rise to seek revenge
The choise is yours
What do you want to do?