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world peace! *beauty padgeant hand-wave*

*random bolboroseala*...*slaps herself*'est tout!...mi'am facut I'm all charge up to...blow up! no...first word in my mind..."rape rape rape rape"...okay a lot of words with the same spelling...meaning...and....damn...

impartim ca fratii personal am un harem, if u prove to me that u are up to it...I'll share all of it with u^_^...and's the plan:
1. - I go to Lockon and say *gitano's accentus(not a's my way of writing^_^)*: -hai sa citim o carte 52...ashi, popi, dame...o groaza...shmecherie nu alta!...t tzine?...avem shi ceai...d vodka...d bere...d vin...crede'ma n'ai mai incercat asa ceva pana acum
2.-El vine...(crede'ma...I have my ways of convincing^_^) u ii faci un 'placaj la boschet'...daca ma intelegi...adica u il iei p sus k o'l aterizezi in heaven(...if u feel me bro'!*winks*)
3. -rated xxx...adik xenophobil...xilozaur....xexxy
4. -the heaven awaits us!!!...lasa'tzi mangustele sa vina la mine! ...lasa'tzi shnitzelii sa vina la mine!!!*guru pose*

~Nu spera!...e o certitudine...doar aici la tine in zona!...distractzie garantata!!!...Vrei sa t simti high fara verde?...Sa razi ca spartu si sa te trezesti la spital unde doctorii iti vor spune cu zambetu pe buze:"ai fost in coma hazlie frate!!!"...iar tu vei zambi tampit si vei da replica..." ma lua acasa!!!(plateshte'mi netu in continuare!!!!)...vino la noi!"...*reads the afish*.....
Sure I want toooo........oooooo!*enters head first*
Draga mea simtit vreodata...pornirea de a face un lucru pana pleznesti?....k tzii nemurirea in palma atunci cand faci acel lucru?....k poti sa dai un shut blocului din fata si el va ateriza la diavol in bikini ptr k acel bloc iti fura privelistea minunata a striperilor din clubul de dupa el?(...okay...scratch the last part...I feel it...but I can't make it work...damn!...and I wanna see it mommy!...I really wanna!!!*cries*)....ei asta inseamna un hobby ptr faci un lucru care sa'ti aduca fericire not matter what...dak lumea se prabusheshte in jurul tau shi u faci o chestie. care iti nu'tzi pese d t simti ca si cum ai alerga dezbracat printre ruine avand scris pe fese:"ma doare..unde e scris 4" ai o stare asemenatoare unui zeu^_^
sa ma dau cu capul d pereti nu e una din placerile mele...dar imi place sa alerg in cercuri in jurul unei lumanari o_O (incantatii nene...)
Ms ptr uelcam*hugs*....dak nu mai ai idei nu'i nik...o sa construim altele impreuna ^_^

Btw...hope I'll meet u guys at Otaku...'cuz I'm comin' to take over the world! I'm comin' to....rape a couple of persons...drink a tea...and...have fun of courseSmile...and maybe as a last take over the world!...or best friend takes over the world...I'll help her by providing the materials like bombs...muhahaha....
*falls asleep again*
[center][Imagine: SOTW2-House.png][/center]
[center]~only God doesn't believe in...God~[/center]

[center][Imagine: 1241698538_scrubs-party.gif][/center]

[center]Do you know a woman who hates herself enough to date me?[/center]

[center][Imagine: chibi_2605.gif]
Pompertziu Fulangesh, chibi-ul lui YamaMina

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Re: - de Zuppy - 08-05-2009, 12:46 AM
RE: world peace! *beauty padgeant hand-wave* - de YamaMina - 09-05-2009, 09:16 AM

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