19-04-2009, 02:00 PM
Hy mina ^_^ Ogenki de nee? Imi cer mii de scuze pentru interventia mea intarziata la acest topic ,mai ales de la MIra .Gomen ne T_T
AL doilea nostru sarbatorit este Shidou Shuichi :love: ,unul dintre personajele mele favorite,el fiind nascut pe 16 aprilie Cei doi berbecuti ,Ryu si Shu sunt defapt singuri sarbatoriti ai lunii aprilie
Este interesant sa stii diverse informatii despre personajul tau preferat cum ar fi mancarea preferata.... obiceiuri ciudate.. sau ziua lui de nastere in cazul acesta dar stiati ca zilele de nastere n-au fost alese la intamplare?Ryuichi si Shuichi au zilele de nastere cuprinse intre 21 martie-20 aprilie ceea ce inseamna ca sunt in zodia Berbec...acum,ce stim despre berbeci?De asta este astrologul junior aici :smart:
-Acest semn zodiacal marcheaza inceputul primaverii si reprezinta manifestarea resurselor neexplorate.(dah,cred ca poti face legatura)
-Berbecul simbolizeaza avantul razboinicului de a se arunca vijelios ,cu capul inainte,intr-o lupta.
-Element :Foc
-Atribut:Cardinal (nu intreba ca n-am nici cea mai vaga ideea)
-Piatra norocoasaiamant (singura piatra pretioasa hehe :->)
-Aspecte pozitive:dinamic,impulsiv,entuziast,onest,pasionat,energic,hotarat,
-Aspecte negative:egocentric, nerabdator, nelinistit, combativ, transant, nesabuit, dominator, incapatanat, agresiv
Ii regasiti pe RYu sau Shu in cele de mai sus ?
Deasemenea ,putem incerca alta metoda pentru a determina daca sunt alese la intamplare sau nu...sau pur si simplu mai multe date despre ei pe car enu le mai gasiti nicaieri:
Pentru Ryuichi:
You Are an Idealist
You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet.
You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily.
Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail.
You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.
Your strength: Your supreme genius
Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity
Your power color: Gold
Your power symbol: Star
Your power month: January
Si pentru Shu :
You Are a Philosopher
You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.
You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.
People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.
You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.
Your strength: Your original approach to thinking
Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others
Your power color: Pale blue
Your power symbol: Wavy line
Your power month: July
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHU AND RYU and to you guys PASTE FERICIT ! :bye:
AL doilea nostru sarbatorit este Shidou Shuichi :love: ,unul dintre personajele mele favorite,el fiind nascut pe 16 aprilie Cei doi berbecuti ,Ryu si Shu sunt defapt singuri sarbatoriti ai lunii aprilie
Este interesant sa stii diverse informatii despre personajul tau preferat cum ar fi mancarea preferata.... obiceiuri ciudate.. sau ziua lui de nastere in cazul acesta dar stiati ca zilele de nastere n-au fost alese la intamplare?Ryuichi si Shuichi au zilele de nastere cuprinse intre 21 martie-20 aprilie ceea ce inseamna ca sunt in zodia Berbec...acum,ce stim despre berbeci?De asta este astrologul junior aici :smart:
-Acest semn zodiacal marcheaza inceputul primaverii si reprezinta manifestarea resurselor neexplorate.(dah,cred ca poti face legatura)
-Berbecul simbolizeaza avantul razboinicului de a se arunca vijelios ,cu capul inainte,intr-o lupta.
-Element :Foc
-Atribut:Cardinal (nu intreba ca n-am nici cea mai vaga ideea)
-Piatra norocoasaiamant (singura piatra pretioasa hehe :->)
-Aspecte pozitive:dinamic,impulsiv,entuziast,onest,pasionat,energic,hotarat,
-Aspecte negative:egocentric, nerabdator, nelinistit, combativ, transant, nesabuit, dominator, incapatanat, agresiv
Ii regasiti pe RYu sau Shu in cele de mai sus ?
Deasemenea ,putem incerca alta metoda pentru a determina daca sunt alese la intamplare sau nu...sau pur si simplu mai multe date despre ei pe car enu le mai gasiti nicaieri:
Pentru Ryuichi:
You Are an Idealist
You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet.
You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily.
Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail.
You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.
Your strength: Your supreme genius
Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity
Your power color: Gold
Your power symbol: Star
Your power month: January
Si pentru Shu :
You Are a Philosopher
You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.
You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.
People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.
You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.
Your strength: Your original approach to thinking
Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others
Your power color: Pale blue
Your power symbol: Wavy line
Your power month: July
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHU AND RYU and to you guys PASTE FERICIT ! :bye:
~In fiecare suflet exista o parte colorata~