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Rose atraction

am avut acest fic partial in romana
dar arata cam aiurea
iar acum m-am pus sa il fac integral in engleza
cei ce nu inteleg engleza asa de bine
daca vor imi pot cere in pm si versiunile in romana :)

asa deci,
fan ficul acesta este un YYH fic
stiu, proabil ca v-ati cam saturat de ele
but hey, nimeni nu imi interzice sa ma aouc si eu de asa ceva nu?
intr-adevar am mutat close-up-ul pe Kurama (cand trebuia pe Yusuke) dar incerc sa nu exagerez si sa nu ignor si celelalte personaje
well anyway am incercat in acest fic sa nu il trasnform intru-un siropos sau romantic sau altele si m-am stradut sa nu il fac prea plin de kirks.
si la fel sa nu imi transform personajul intr-un mary Sue >.>
povestea nu e una anume de dragoste, mai mult de actiune
si de aia ve-ti putea considera ca nici nu am pus prea multa descriere
asta pentru ca ma folosec mai mult de actiune ca sa va arat povestea.

tinand cont ca e in engleza am schimbat liniile de dialog cu ghilimelele :
"..." va aparea atunci cand cineva va spune ceva
'...' apare atunci cand personajul o spune in gand

Flashback-ul va fi precedat de: [flashback].....[/flashback] iar textul va fi inclinat.
Tot inclinat va fi si pentru alte texte sau relatari cum ar fi :
un fragment dintr-un ziar, carte
o relatare de la radio/tv/ telefon etc

de asemenea voi folosi si termeni din originea limbi nipone
voi adauga cuvintele necunoscute dedesubt de fiecare capitol

locul is timpul actiunii e acelasi, dupa ultima lupta a personajelor
Hiei a ramas in Lumea de Apoi sa faca ordine si sa pazeasca oamenii care intra accidental in ea. Enki e inca la conducere pentru inca doi ani. Yusuke s-a lasat de scoala in cele din urma si se logodise cu Keiko. Kuwabara si el s-a pus cu burta pe invatat si se mentine. Minamino Shuuichi terminase liceul Meiou si intrase la Universitatea Shimizu....

iar acum actinea porneste [lumini, camera, actiune!]

The return of the assassin

The return of the assassin

Somewhere in the Devil’s forest, in the Makai, Hiei and a couple of warrior soldiers were sent by Mukuro to verify the territory. It was a calm, full-moon night. Although everything seemed peaceful, Hiei had a bad feeling that something was about to go on:
” You guys stay near, don’t wander too far. I’m going to check the other side of the forest. “
” Yes sir! ” said the two warriors.
Hiei jumped in a flash on a branch and was soon disappearing between the tree leaves in the darkness. After seeing him gone, the soldiers continue on the path in the forest. As the moon shined on the sky in a golden light, some of its’ glowing razes struck down through the forest’s branches, illuminating the ground. Those two warriors considered strange so they went to investigate up closer the phenomenon. When they reached that patch of light they couldn’t see anything abnormal.
” I guess there’s nothing here. Let’s move on. “
” R-right. “ The smaller one wobbled behind looking a bit frightened of the scenery.
As he moved along he stumbled onto a rock in the ground. Curious, he turned his head to see what he hit his foot on. He saw a marble stone that had something scribbled on. He bent down to see better what was written on it.
” What the hell is this? Here lies the resting place of Demasduit. One who shall disturb thy demon’s slumber shall find one’s doom “ wha-wha-wha~aa!! “
Frightened, he leans back knocking over on his comrade’s legs, making him fall:
” What the f**k are you doing?! Don’t ya have enough space?!”
” Y’ you’d be freaked out if you’d read this”
” Well, what does it say? “
” Read it yourself! “
The other one comes closer and bents down to see for himself. As he looked closer, moving his body weight on his arms, he pressed over the ground and it suddenly sunk a few centimeters.
” What the...? ”
” What did you do? “
” How should I know? “
Suddenly a thick fog appeared from nowhere and surrounded them in seconds. The ground began to shake. In front of them, from inside the earth, a giant statue-like form merged. As the fog started to slowly disappear, the soldiers could see it better. What merged from the ground was actually a crystal, a transparent crystal. Around it was curled up a serpent of some sort, while inside it was laying a woman’s body with her hand crossed over the chest.
” Now look who’s the idiot! You idiot! “
” Shut up or I’ll cut your throat, dumb ass! “
While they were fighting over their insults, the creature from inside the crystal opened her eyes which were shining as the moon’s glow. She raised her head starring at them. The serpent opened its eyes as well and began to uncoil off the crystal, slowly. The crystal cracked at the creature’s twitch and broke in thousands of pieces. The two demons got startled by the noise and stopped fighting. As their eyes go to the place where the noise came from they could see the svelte and radiant body of a woman. With a long to the knees shining dark blue hair from which a pair of fuzzy ears were popping out. From behind her appeared a lung and furry tail. With cold purple eyes that show no emotion but numbness she could subdue anyone. Her radiant skin was uncovered letting more of the proof of her being a woman show, leaving the two warriors stunned.
“ What a beauty! “
” Quick! Let’s devour her before anyone else sees her “
She looked up straight at them as if she would see right through them. Her look was almost knocking them over. The dragon that was earlier on the crystal coiled around her leaning its head in her palm. A discreet smile formed on the corner of her smile.
” You devour me?! Fufufufu! “ She let a small giggle out.
The dragon moved aside so she could move out of the crystal. With each of her few small steps, the soldiers pulse began growing along with their fear. They seemed helpless when, although they tried to run, their fear was blocking their feet in the ground.
“ You two really think that you can kill me? Nobody succeeded in over nine hundred years. What makes you think that you could kill me now? “
As she stepped further closer to them with each step it made them step back each time. The fear they gained was growing bigger and bigger. Desperate they try one last time to run away and they succeed only in running, but not away. They achieved into progressing a few meters right into an invisible kekai.
” What the f**k! What’s this?! “
” Ooh! Shit! “
” Did you really believe that you would escape from me? You have nowhere where you can run or hide. “
” This is your entire fault! You’re the one who stumbled on her resting place from the beginning! “
” Oh shit!! f**k! I can’t believe it!! I never have thought that the assassin among assassins also known as Demasduit , the demon that can kill even A class youkai, would really exist. She is considered a legend that has died long ago. But she’s real! Please! I beg you, Demasduit-sama please bear with us and spare our lives “
"Well, well "So you do know something about me after all. I'd spare your pathetic little lives right about now, I am pretty high spirited, but unfortunately, I cannot do that. It has been a very long long time since Osnanahut has eaten and he is kind of hungry. Poor thing, he hasn't have anything while I was sleeping." She said vanishing in a flash.
They couldn't tell where did she disappear or where would she appear back. But their questions didn't remain unanswered for long. She appeared right in front of the bigger soldier. He was so terrified he could even say a word. All she did was to smirk lightly and put out her hand right through his chest as if through water, making him yell in pain. His screams seemed to please her so she started to move her fingers within his chest making him scream even more. She seemed to look right inside him as if she grabbed something. She turned her eyes to the soldier's face, let on an evil smile.
"Scream for me! I want to heart your yells!" she said grabbing something tight and pulling out of his body.
All his body was twitching; all his muscles were contracted by the pain. His comrade was terrified and traumatized to the core by what he was seeing with his eyes.
"Aaaagh! No!!!! Please no!!!
"That's it. I want to hear you desperate voice and agony screech . More!" he said pulling harder. His cries were more and more desperate. In his last shrug, Demasduit pulled out his soul.
She stared deep into the glowing sphere in her palm as if she was mesmerized bi it.
"This soul is no good for me." She said crushing the sphere of light in her hands.
The other soldier just couldn't believe his eyes. As he came to his senses he realized the danger he stated to yell and run for his life.
"Resistance is futile. You can't escape from here."
She moved in her flashing rapidness grabbing the warrior by his suit. Demasduit pressed her chin on his shoulder and placed her hands on his chest. It was as if the painful death itself was hugging him. Her hands penetrated his chest just like they did to the other soldier. Being terrified of death, his fear made his pain seem even bigger.
"AAAAAAA! NOOOOO!!! Aaaaagggh!! Hieeeeei!! Heeeeeelp me!!! AAAAAA!!!"
"I have told you. There is no escaping this place. There is no way pass the kekai I have raised. So it's futile to cry for help. But you can shriek some more. I enjoy hearing the yells of agony."
She grabbed with one hand his head and holds him still so he can't move. The warrior tries desperately to free himself, but it was to no avail. She then bit him on the neck hard making him shriek his lungs out.
"That's it. More! Yell more!" she said squeezing his soul inside his chest.
As a creature trapped, he fights back screaming and yelling with all his might. This made Demasduit smirk.
"Ok. I had enough fun with you but now it's time for you to go. Osnanahut is hungry."
She crushed his soul from within his body, letting go of him to fall lifeless on the ground.
"Here you go my beloved. Enjoy your meal."
Osnanahut immediately coiled up around the body feasting on it like the beast he was. While her creature was feeding on the fresh flesh, Demasduit seemed lost in her thoughts and worried. She raised her hand and put out her palm. On it appeared a beautiful blue rose. Demasduit seemed to be worried of the paling glow that it had. She stared closely to it and noticed how a petal wilted and fell off.
"This is not good. I can't do much anymore to help it. I'm running out of time. I hate to admit this but I need help"
Reaching the other side of the forest, Hiei finally heard his comrade's screams.
"Those two stupid morons!"
When he reached back he saw her standing there. Demasduit lost her concentration feeling his presence and she raised her head looking towards him.
"Kisama! Who the hell are you?" Hiei spoke pulling slowly his sword out of its case.
"You have a nice Jagan there."
"What the? How did she?"
"I guess you can read minds with it, can't you? Well guess what. I can too"
"What?!" he startled.
"But I can't read from a distance so"
Hiei didn't even have a chance to catch her words that she appeared right in front of him and placed her right hand's fingers on his forehead, making him immobilized.
"What the hell?! I can't move!"
"Of course you can't move. I have you immobilized."
"O' Onoree!" he barely spoke.
"I am sure you have seen a lot in your life with this Jagan. Show me if you have seen any plant bender!"
“Hn!" Hiei twitched while he started to read his mind.
Surfing his memories she stumbled over a youkai with silver silky hair dressed in white. A white bandit with cold golden eyes and a cold intangible heart, whom was feared in all the Makai. A legendary criminal who has never been cached.
"So you do know somebody. The legendary bandit of the Makai: Youko Kurama...I heard about him, he is almost as old as I am. So he did not die after all. Tell me where is he!" she said putting all her hand on his forehead.
Try as he might he could not free himself from her hand. Twitching and trembling all around he was unable to do it. Under the bandages, the Jao Kokuryu tattoo began to pulse. Small electric currents began swirling around his arm. As the waves became bigger they started to sting and give electric shots. It began to annoy Demasduit.
"I see you have a pet dragon yourself. I'm quite impressed. Jao isn't the kind of dragon that is easy to tame. But still, it won't be able to stop me. It won't be able to free you." She continued placing her other hand on his arm.
In a few seconds, all the energy that was coming out of his arm has disappeared as if the dragon was put to sleep. With no further interruption Demasduit continued to read Hiei's mind to find out what she needed.
"So that mangy fox is hiding in the Ningenkai. That's enough for me to know. Thank for the Information Hiei the han-koorime." She said letting go of him.
All dizzy and wobbly Hiei could not gain full consciousness on what has happened to him. Demasduit grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to stare in her purple eyes. Then she approached and touched his lips. Her gentle kiss was to make him loose all his consciousness. Demasduit took him in her arms and carried him to a safer spot where she left him under a tree. Then she called Osnanahut back to her.
"Are you done Osnanahut? We have to go."
The serpent rises in the air and flies to her. As he was flying he became smaller and more ghost-like. When he reached her he crawled on her hand, penetrating into a scar-like-mark on her arm. Demasduit looked around a few times to check if it is safe and headed off to Ningenkai.

to be continued...

cuvinte necunoscute
ma rog, traducerile mele nu sunt ele chiar atat de bune, am facut aproximativ si sumar:

Makai= Demon World/ Lumea de Apoi
Kekai= force field, barrier/ camp de forta, bariera
youkai= ghosts, phantoms, demons, monsters/ fantome, strigoi,demoni, monstrii
Kisama= ass hole, mother fu**er, sun of a bitch/ netrebnic, ticalos, nemernic
Jagan = evil, "dirty" eye/ ochi malefic, ochi "murdar"
Onoree = damn you/ naiba sa te ia
Jao (ensatsu) Kokuryu = evil (blak fire) dragon of hell / dragonul malfigc (al focului negru) din iad
Ningenkai = human world / lumea oamenilor
Han-Koorime = half-ice maden / jumatate fecioara-a-ghetii (scuze ca l-am facut pe Hiei fecioara :-ss )

ma rog, traducerile mele nu sunt ele chiar atat de bune, am facut aproximativ si sumar

a da:
numele ei, Demasduit in japoneza se pronunta Demasudoitsu
iar numele aceli dragon, Osnanahut, Osunanafutsu
asta in caz ca va intrebati doar :]

astept opinii/pareri/critici ca sa stiu daca ar fi rostu sa pun in continure :-?

jaa neh :48:

PS: am vazut ca iara mi s-au lipit aliniatele de margine
nu stiu ce sa ii mai fac ca sa imi apara aliniatele >.>"
[Imagine: sd5setsunasekaisig1-icy2.gif]
"uhm... thanks for the help"
"don't mention it... to nobody!"
[Imagine: chibi_81.gif]
aia mica

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Rose atraction - de anne_demonangel - 20-12-2007, 03:07 PM
RE: Rose atraction - de Crystal - 20-12-2007, 07:19 PM
RE: Rose atraction - de anne_demonangel - 28-12-2007, 05:42 PM
RE: Rose atraction - de anne_demonangel - 01-02-2008, 07:35 PM
RE: Rose atraction - de 'CrystalShadow' - 02-02-2008, 11:50 AM
RE: Rose atraction - de anne_demonangel - 02-02-2008, 02:18 PM

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