pddm=persoana de dupa mine.Persoana urmatoare va afirma sau nega ce a scris persoana dinainte,dupa care scrie si ea altceva.
Incep eu:
pddm este happy
Sloth edit: Este destul de asemanator cu <->(the game), asa ca acest topic se inchide. ^_^
Incep eu:
pddm este happy
Sloth edit: Este destul de asemanator cu <->(the game), asa ca acest topic se inchide. ^_^
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
![[Imagine: df.jpg]](http://i481.photobucket.com/albums/rr179/LapisLazuli_photo/df.jpg)
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
![[Imagine: df.jpg]](http://i481.photobucket.com/albums/rr179/LapisLazuli_photo/df.jpg)
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.