Citat:Samurai & Ninja Experience at Otaku Festival 2015
This year, Japan is brilliantly represented at Otaku Festival. Not only in the realms of cosplay and manga, but also in that of performing arts. On May 9th, courtesy of our friends and partners from the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center - Angela Hondru, you'll have the opportunity to watch an exquisite performance by the members of Japan Tatedou Association, who will hold a show combining Japanese martial arts with stunts. They are coming from Osaka and they are eager to offer the Romanian audience a taste of a veritable samurai & ninja experience.
The Japan Tatedou Association was established in 2004, in Osaka. Its purpose is to teach those interested about Tatedou and what the Samurai experience really means in aspects like Japanese etiquette, power of expression and soul harmony.
Pentru cei ce nu stiu engleza, rezumatul este ca pe langa cosplay si manga, Otaku Festival ne-a pregatit si o demonstratie de arte martiale si cascadorii pentru a oferi audientei o mostra a virtuozitatii samurailor si ninja. Aceasta demonstratie ne va fi oferita de Japan Tatedou Association din Osaku prin intermediul Centrului de Studii Romano-Japoneze - Angela Hondru. Urmariti si un video de prezentare al acestui grup nipon:
Dupa ce anul trecut nu am putut asista la demonstratia de Aikido oferita in cadrul Otaku, de data asta sunt hotarat sa nu ratez programul de arte martiale, mai ales ca din video pare ca va fi un show destul de spectaculos.