20-03-2015, 02:13 AM
(Ultima modificare: 20-03-2015, 02:15 AM {2} de Ozymandias.)
Daca tot sunt greii:
Deadlier than Dracula! Wilder than the Werewolf! More frightening than Frankenstein! You'll see a creature of the damned Damning the living to destruction When you see the horror work of the She-Beast!
O alta piesa postez, una care m-a obsedat saptamana trecuta:
Deadlier than Dracula! Wilder than the Werewolf! More frightening than Frankenstein! You'll see a creature of the damned Damning the living to destruction When you see the horror work of the She-Beast!
O alta piesa postez, una care m-a obsedat saptamana trecuta:
"You got no business questioning a thang"