Nu am jucat multe jocuri pana acum, dar preferatul meu e God of War.
The central character of the series is Kratos, a Spartan warrior tricked into killing his wife and child by his former master, the God of War Ares. Kratos eventually kills Ares at the behest of the goddess Athena and takes his place as the new God of War, but is still haunted by the nightmares of his past. Kratos is eventually betrayed by Zeus, the King of the Olympian Gods. Revealed to be a demigod and the son of Zeus, Kratos now seeks revenge against the gods for their machinations. What follows is a series of attempts to free himself from the influence of the gods and the Titans and exact revenge. Each game chapter forms part of a saga with vengeance as a central theme.
Ultima data l-am jucat acum un an, nu mai tin minte prea multe. L-am jucat pe PlayStation3 (pe care acum nu-l mai am ) si probabil o sa spuneti ca sunt nebuna, dar am stat o noapte si inca cateva ore din zi treaza, impreuna cu o prietena, ca sa-l terminam. E plin de actiune, grafica e uimitoare, iar unele parti au fost chiar greu de trecut. Povestea e interesanta (cel putin eu nu am reusit sa dorm pana nu l-am terminat) si mereu apar noi provocari, noi persoane cu care trebuie sa te lupti, nu devine deloc plictisitor.
The central character of the series is Kratos, a Spartan warrior tricked into killing his wife and child by his former master, the God of War Ares. Kratos eventually kills Ares at the behest of the goddess Athena and takes his place as the new God of War, but is still haunted by the nightmares of his past. Kratos is eventually betrayed by Zeus, the King of the Olympian Gods. Revealed to be a demigod and the son of Zeus, Kratos now seeks revenge against the gods for their machinations. What follows is a series of attempts to free himself from the influence of the gods and the Titans and exact revenge. Each game chapter forms part of a saga with vengeance as a central theme.
Ultima data l-am jucat acum un an, nu mai tin minte prea multe. L-am jucat pe PlayStation3 (pe care acum nu-l mai am ) si probabil o sa spuneti ca sunt nebuna, dar am stat o noapte si inca cateva ore din zi treaza, impreuna cu o prietena, ca sa-l terminam. E plin de actiune, grafica e uimitoare, iar unele parti au fost chiar greu de trecut. Povestea e interesanta (cel putin eu nu am reusit sa dorm pana nu l-am terminat) si mereu apar noi provocari, noi persoane cu care trebuie sa te lupti, nu devine deloc plictisitor.