11-05-2013, 06:20 AM
Si eu folosesc aceste cuvinte destul de usor... dar atunci cand regret cu adevarat si cand vreau sa repar ceva o fac prin fapte si nu prin cuvinte..... de cele mai multe ori un gest valoreaza cat o mie de cuvinte.
"Do you know those times when you've been put through so much pain you couldn't bear it? Well, that's reality for you."
I have been a FunForFreedom survivor since 7/2/12!
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Supporting Leon X Zara! <3
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"Do you know those times when you've been put through so much pain you couldn't bear it? Well, that's reality for you."
I have been a FunForFreedom survivor since 7/2/12!
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Supporting Leon X Zara! <3
I have a blog!