25-10-2012, 05:00 PM
Deplorabil. Incerc sa-mi inveselesc ziua ascultandu-l pe domnul acesta. In plus, ieri ma uitasem la Family Bundy and I remembered some nice songs. Haha, 'no really honey, go make yourself a sandwich, my nails aren't ready yet'. I'm gonna sing this while walking on the boulevard of ny. (maybe one of them?)
Ah fwck, s-a schimbat
Deplorabil. Incerc sa-mi inveselesc ziua ascultandu-l pe domnul acesta. In plus, ieri ma uitasem la Family Bundy and I remembered some nice songs. Haha, 'no really honey, go make yourself a sandwich, my nails aren't ready yet'. I'm gonna sing this while walking on the boulevard of ny. (maybe one of them?)
Ah fwck, s-a schimbat