20-08-2012, 02:57 PM
Hm~ o alegere cam dificila avand in vedere ca ambele melodii imi plac foarte mult. ... hm~ tot ma gandesc de ceva vreme, am scris si am rescris commentul asta de 2 ori
... si tot la ceeasi concluzie ajung. Aleg Me, in , vocalele sunt mult mai puternice plus rap-ul lui Yubin e love <3, nu ca Hwayoung nu ar fi un rapper bun, dar Yubin are o voce husky that makes me shiver [i have a girl crush ok -_-]. Versurile de la Me, in sunt super cute desi ritmul melodiei pare ca vorbeste despre o tipa super misto care e all mighty and all that, pe cand e despre cat de mult ii place un baiat <3. In timp ce Day by day are niste versuri usor mai ... profunde sa spun asa,
"Love – I can’t see the end of that dark tunnel so I’m very afraid
Like a desert with a blazing sun, like a person crying out of thirst"
Ritmul de la Day by day e mai linistit parca, in timp ce Me, in e ceva gen pop-rock, if i am not wrong. Anyway, i will quit my rambling, Me, in ramane.
Junsu [JYJ from TVXQ] - Beautiful thing [live] [2006 daca nu ma insel]
Junsu [JYJ from TVXQ] - Too Love [live] [2010 ^^]

"Love – I can’t see the end of that dark tunnel so I’m very afraid
Like a desert with a blazing sun, like a person crying out of thirst"
Ritmul de la Day by day e mai linistit parca, in timp ce Me, in e ceva gen pop-rock, if i am not wrong. Anyway, i will quit my rambling, Me, in ramane.
Junsu [JYJ from TVXQ] - Beautiful thing [live] [2006 daca nu ma insel]
Junsu [JYJ from TVXQ] - Too Love [live] [2010 ^^]
![[Imagine: tumblr_ljy3o2Lf311qzf4bro1_500.gif]](http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad355/Mychyeo/tumblr_ljy3o2Lf311qzf4bro1_500.gif)
Always keep the faith !
YunJae, YooSu, ChangSica, HunHan.
The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End