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Time of EVE

[center][Imagine: time-of-eve-01.jpg][/center]

Citat:* A theatrical feature-length version of the six-part web series Eve no Jikan. Featuring additional new scenes.

In the near future, probably in Japan, long after robots have been put to practical use, and not so long since human-type robots, or androids have appeared.

Due to the Robot Ethical Committee, people take it for granted to treat robots as electronic appliances. However, because of their human appearance, except for the halos above their heads, some humans — called dori-kei (android-style) — are becoming too attracted to these androids, and this is causing new social problems.

Rikuo has been taught to treat androids the way he does since he was a child. He does not think of androids as human beings, and uses them as useful tools. One day, he discovers that ominous words were recorded in home-android Sammy's activity log:

"Are you enjoying the time of EVE?"

Tracing her footsteps with his friend Masaki, they arrive at a strange cafe that has put up the slogan not to discriminate between human beings and androids.

Am terminat filmul un pic inainte si inca-s in plin proces de digestie in ceea ce tine de el. A fost un experiment foarte interesant care a jonglat niste idei foarte mari (relatia om-masina, relatiile interumane experimentate de fiinte artificiale, natura iubirii si a unui suflet si tot asa), care desi au mai fost vazute in alte anime-uri (a la Chobits, Hand Maid May si Ghost in the shell intr-o anumita masura), aici mi s-a parut totul realizat foarte bine si intr-o lumina mai serioasa.

Viitorul prezentat de serie e unul destul de placut de imaginat, care adera foarte aproape de definitia japoneza asupra unui robot (pentru japonezi conceptul de robot se refera la o creatie ce imita viata umana; pentru cei din vest acest concept se rezuma la o unealta ce poate executa anumite operatii pe care omul nu le poate) si o duce pana la concluzia ei inevitabila: roboti ce seamana cu oamenii in cel mai mic cum ii diferentiem in cele din urma.

Un anime foarte interesant si de care n-am vazut prea multe discutate. As fi curios si eu sa va aud opiniile. Eu cum am zis...inca diger anumite aspecte ale sale.
[Imagine: 14wyiz6.jpg]

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Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Time of EVE - de CyBeR - 05-08-2012, 06:48 PM
RE: Time of EVE - de Elyurias - 15-08-2012, 08:52 PM
RE: Time of EVE - de CyBeR - 17-08-2012, 11:06 AM

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