05-05-2012, 01:57 PM
Death Sweeper o poveste care se aseamana cu "Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service" doar ca este mai realista.
In manga se vb despre despre un grup care face curatenie la locul unei sinucideri, sau mai bine spus, manga ne vb despre TEMA SINUCIDERII din Japonia.
No matter is it is a peaceful death at the ends of one's life, murder, suicide, death from illnesses, when death comes, who would be able to predict it, or prevent it? That is why we have to try our best to live on.
In manga se vb despre despre un grup care face curatenie la locul unei sinucideri, sau mai bine spus, manga ne vb despre TEMA SINUCIDERII din Japonia.
No matter is it is a peaceful death at the ends of one's life, murder, suicide, death from illnesses, when death comes, who would be able to predict it, or prevent it? That is why we have to try our best to live on.
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