09-03-2012, 01:29 PM
Lazarus A.D. "The Ultimate Sacrifice": Well, din punct de vedere muzical nu este o melodie excelenta, insa este buna. Singurul lucru care ma 'deranjeaza' sunt versurile. Nu din cauza continutului, ci din cauza ca mesajul transmis nu este destul de puternic, desi ar putea fi. Totusi.. this is not a reason to deny that this song is good overall. So yeah.. an 8.
My turn: Triarii - Imperivm
a) Live version with quite good sound quality:
b) Third Reich video with great sound quality:
I recommend the second, since combined with the footage it has quite a strong effect. But it's up to you.
My turn: Triarii - Imperivm
a) Live version with quite good sound quality:
b) Third Reich video with great sound quality:
I recommend the second, since combined with the footage it has quite a strong effect. But it's up to you.