08-03-2012, 09:20 PM
Actually, guy A loved women and hated the faggots. Guy A has/had prostate cancer so he went to the doctor. There, he hits on every women but he ends up getting a BJ from the doctor who was Guy B but Guy A hated faggots... but he loved Guy B which would make him not hating faggots but he still hates the faggots...
Nu e logic si nu are vreun sens. Asta chiar vroiam sa subliniez.
Legat de FF, bine macar ca imi scrie sub nick administrator ca altfel... cine stie, ma trezeam iar ca data trecuta "Ma duc si te spun lui Aly! Ce stii tu, eu si ea suntem amice la catarama si ne stim de ani de zile" si eu eram "oO who the heck is this chick?". Seriously, some things are pathetic...
Ah si ca mi-am adus aminte, confuzia cu patetic si pathetic care persista peste tot vine de la google translate, patetic-ul din romana inseamna plin de patos, englezesc "enthusiastically/passionately" pe cand pathetic-ul din engleza inseamna "jalnic, vrednic de mila" insa google translate traduce patetic ca pathetic which is wrong on so many levels.
Nu e logic si nu are vreun sens. Asta chiar vroiam sa subliniez.
Legat de FF, bine macar ca imi scrie sub nick administrator ca altfel... cine stie, ma trezeam iar ca data trecuta "Ma duc si te spun lui Aly! Ce stii tu, eu si ea suntem amice la catarama si ne stim de ani de zile" si eu eram "oO who the heck is this chick?". Seriously, some things are pathetic...
Ah si ca mi-am adus aminte, confuzia cu patetic si pathetic care persista peste tot vine de la google translate, patetic-ul din romana inseamna plin de patos, englezesc "enthusiastically/passionately" pe cand pathetic-ul din engleza inseamna "jalnic, vrednic de mila" insa google translate traduce patetic ca pathetic which is wrong on so many levels.