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[Vampire Knight] My Hunter-san

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight or its characters.

Chapter II

He never witnessed such a heavy rain in his 20 years of life. He had been in town when it had started to rain. Afraid for his lover's life he ran home, something telling him that he had to return there as quickly as possible.

He witnessed trees being put down by the strong winds. Those fallen trees were in his way to reach his lover's home. The sky was lightened by red flames, a sign that the lightning had hit something on its journey to the ground. Even though the source of the fire could have been miles away, he could smell the odor of thick smoke. He could hear the sound of people screaming.

Normally, he would have left to help the poor people who were being punished by Heaven, but his inner voice kept him running away, to his and his lover's home, where she resided, waiting.

The door's entrance was blocked by a huge tree, another victim of nature's rage. He had no chance to remove the obstacle from the doorway; he had no force to complete such a task. He had no choice other than finding another way to enter into his own home.

He broke the kitchen window and finally found his way into the house. Other than the sound of rain on the roof, it was eerily silent. His lover was nowhere to be found. He instantly became worried. When he left from his home, nearly six hours before, she had announced to him that she was going to stay home all day and do chores around the house. The signs of her half-completed work were visible, but she was nowhere in sight.

He used the same window as his exit and headed to the stable. When he was closer to his target he heard the nervous sounds of his horses. Not only humans were scared by this hateful weather, animals were, too.

But he didn't reach the stable. His ears received a faint sound… a cry. Following the sound, he inched himself further from the stable's entrance. Step by step the faint cry became more audible and soon he recognized it.

It wasn't a pleasant sound; it was a painful cry. Walter hurried to the source and what he found petrified him. His lover, the woman he had vowed to protect, had her chest pierced by a small tree branch. Her blood puddled on the wet ground.

He knelt at her side, not knowing what to do. She was already at the edge of her life. If she remained like this any longer, she would certainly die. If he tried to take out the tree branch, she would die due to blood loss. No matter what his options were, it appeared that nothing was on his side.

After mere seconds of thinking, he decided to cut a part of the branch and take her to the hospital. His biggest problem was how they would get at the hospital in such weather. The roads were blocked. To use the car was out of question, but walking on foot was out of question as well.

In the end, he decided to use a horse from the stable. It was an unconventional way of transport, but it was his only remaining option. After he prepared the horse, Walter took Rose and hurried to the nearest hospital.

It wasn't fast like the car, but at least he could arrive faster than if he had gone on foot. On his way to the hospital, through the sounds of thunder and horse steps, he could hear her small cries as the horse's muscles rippled as it ran. Fortunately for him though, Rose fought for her life, not letting go for a split second. She held onto life because she knew how important it was, not only to her, but him as well.

When he entered inside the small hospital with Rose in his arms he saw dozens of wounded people. He asked for help, but except for a beautiful red-haired woman, no one came to him. The rest of the doctors had their hands full.

The town where he lived is small, no more than 10,000 people. He thought he knew them all, but the presence of this woman was new for him. He wasn't in the situation to think on the newest doctor to the hospital; Rose's life was his top priority.

"Follow me." The new doctor said using a soft, calm voice. Walter followed her into a hospital room. There, he gently placed Rose on the bed and watched the doctor examine her.

"It's a miracle she survived until now. Her wounds are serious. One of her lungs is seriously damaged. It wasn't punctured, otherwise she would have choked on her own blood. But… she does have some internal bleeding. I am sorry, sir, but medically speaking, I can do nothing for her. She will die in less than an hour."

The doctor's words were like a piano falling on his head. He and Rose were childhood friends. Rose had always had a crush on him. The crush a 10 year old girl had on a 15 year old boy. Since she was little, she always told everyone she was going to marry Walter when she will grew up… and Walter had always replied, yes you will.

When he had said those words back then, he had never meant them. His reply was just to not crush the hopes of a little girl, but time passed and Rose grew into a beautiful young lady. And before he realized it realize, he had fallen head over heels for her, and had asked the 15 year old girl to marry him.

When he realized that his heart was taken by Rose, he vowed he would live by her side till the death separated them. But he never imagined that Death would take her so soon. He thought they would have lots of children, and grandchildren.

He even saw himself as an old man with white hair, with his face crossed with wrinkles, having on his side an old woman. He saw them walking through the park while holding hands during their peaceful old age.

The future he imagined was bright, filled only with happiness. But life disagreed with him. Life wasn't fair. His chosen one was going to embrace death soon, and nothing they hoped for in their joyful future together was going to come to pass.

It was funny for the doctor to see his expression. Humans' lives can be crushed so easily and at the same time it is possible to give them hope.

"I know a way to save her," the doctor said, after she became bored watching Walter's hopeless expression. Hearing her words, a new seed of hope had been born inside of him.

"You can save her? But you said she will die. What you can do?" Walter did not know what to believe anymore. One moment she told him that Rose was going to die, and the next moment the same woman told him that she could save her. Which was it?

"Yes, I can save her, but…"

"But what?"

"I want something in return."

Walter's mind raced. He would give her anything. Did she want money? How much? He would give her all the money he had.

"I don't have much money on me. I can go to the bank tomorrow. I will give…" With one finger on his lips, the doctor stopped him from talking.

"I don't want money. Money has no value to me. What I want is you."

What did she say? To save my love… I have to leave her and live with this woman?

"You don't have time to reflect on your decision. Your precious Rose will die in few minutes. Knowing you could save her, will you decide to let her die and live a life without her, or will you choose to be mine while your precious Rose lives on without you, maybe even marrying another?"

What could he do? He loved Rose. If he left her, she would suffer anyway. On the other hand, he couldn't live without her. Both of them would live a miserable life.

"To make your decision easier, I promise she won't remember anything about you. She will know nothing about you being her fiancé. I will replace her memories involving you. You will remain just a childhood friend, a friend she lost years ago due to an accident. Tell me, what do you chose? The clock is ticking…"

I want her to live. I want her to be happy even if she will have another man on her side. It's okay if I suffer. I just want her to be able to live her life to the fullest, the way she want to. And if she doesn't remember me… Then she will not suffer as I will. But I can live with my suffering because I know that she will be happy without me…

Watching him, the female doctor noticed she obtained her desired answer.

"I will save her and you will be mine. That's your choice, isn't it?"

Walter didn't have anything left to contemplate. "Yes."

Like she promised, the female doctor removed the piece of branch and started to heal the wounded girl. Walter had never seen something like that. The strange woman didn't use medication or any kind medical instruments. Walter even noticed a dim blue light coming out of her hands.

He witnessed with his own eyes how the wound from Rose's chest started to close and he could even hear her breathing steady out and flow clearer. He would have never believed, not in a million years, in the supernatural, but no matter what this strange woman did he was glad to see that it was working.

A few minutes later, after she started the strange healing process, the woman stopped and connected Rose to the medical equipment.

"Now you can hear her heart beating. I have fulfilled my promise, and it's your turn to keep your side of our bargain." The woman said.

"Can I say goodbye to her?"

"No, you can't. Saying goodbye wasn't included in our verbal contract. Her being alive is enough. Now I will take what is mine. What you have agreed to give me."

The small red-haired woman came closer to him. They were mere inches apart when she bent his head and brought her lips to his neck. She whispered upon his neck, her lips gently caressing against the skin.

"I was always attracted to boys like you. From now on, I will be your master. You will do anything to please me, won't you?"

"Yes." He answered, and felt a sharp pain in his neck. Only then did he realize that the strange woman was a vampire, a mythical creature he never believed existed… and he was her meal. He closed his eyes during her feeding, and when he opened them, a girl named Rose didn't exist for him. All his body and soul screamed loyalty to the red-haired woman standing in front of him.

"Your master's name is…Anya."
The life tricked out of him. Here he was, standing in his room, glaring at his current outfit. When he left Japan, he wanted to get away from responsibility and away from school. Well, he fulfilled the first, but the second…

He had been in England for only two days. In the first, he had taken a rest in his room. The servants didn't dare try to disturb him. Zero did not need words to say this; his deadly glare was threatening enough.

Last night, while he enjoyed his dinner, the big boss of servants had come to him and presented his mission. It was necessary since Zero left in a hurry without the magic yellow envelope. It was his fault. If he would have just opened that stupid damn envelope he would have known…and who knew… maybe he would have even accepted the responsibility part of it…

And he had hoped he wouldn't have to stay in school anymore. When he graduated three months ago he had been relieved. No more traveling between hunters' headquarters and Cross Academy. And now he was standing, glaring at his… school outfit.

He was going to kill Cross. Only that megane man was able to play such a prank on him. From today, Zero was the new student of St. Elisabeth Academy. He was going to be a student in 13 grades. Well, normally, he would have been in 12 grades, but this academy had a special program where students prepare for their university entrance exam.

To Hell with this mission, he thought, annoyed at how he had been payed into such an assignment. He was going to find that nasty vampire quickly, he was going to kill him, and he was going to return home before Cross expected. And on his way back, maybe he would get lucky and find something to delay Maria. The first thing he was going to do after he landed in his country was to put his hands around Cross's neck and strangle the life out of him. Only that eccentric bastard could find an academy with 13 freaking grades.

God, what I did do to deserve this? Is this my punishment for running away from Maria? If it is, it's cruelty in its purest form.

Asking God for mercy wasn't something Zero ever thought he would do. He was a naturally imperturbable guy. No one treated him in any way but the way he wanted to be treated… but this megane man…he had a gift which was beginning to drive Zero crazy…
Slowly, Anya opened the door. For the last 10 years, at the same hour every day, she arrived inside her slave room and watched him sleep. She already knew what he was dreaming. For the last 10 years, Walter had the same dream over and over again. He dreamed about their first encounter, the day when his humanity was lost.

Anya liked to see him writhe in his sleep. It made the taste of her first morning meal seem all the more delicious and enjoyable. She never knew why she liked this, but she enjoyed it every time.

Anya came closer to Walter's bed and sat next to him. She reached out her hand and touched his pale cheek. Feeling the soft and cold texture of her hand, Walter opened his eyes and saw the same image he had woken up to for years: his hungry master.

"Do you still have nightmares?" she asked, while her pale hand caressed his cheek. "That woman is giving you troubles again?" He felt her breath on his skin. He knew what was going to come next. She was going to feast upon his blood.

"You have me. You don't need to dream about her every night." Anya seemed to delay her meal. Even if he dreamed about Rose every night, in the end, when Anya came into his room and closed her mouth on his skin, she made his heart beat faster.

All of him would beg for her fangs to pierce his skin and let her feel his feelings. Today was no exception at all. Anya's fangs grazed his skin, but not enough to pierce it. She wanted to drive him crazy.

"Tell me, Walter. Do you want me to drink your blood? When I watched you sleep, it seemed like I disgusted you, but when I drank your blood it told me that you love me. Which is it, Walter? Do you hate me or love me?"

He knew she was playing with him. No matter what his answer was, she was still going to feast upon his blood. Hatred or love, those feelings brought her joy. Their relationship was master-slave. It was impossible for him to lie to her.

"You know what I feel for you, my lady. Do I really need to use words when my blood speaks for me?"

Anya liked this part of him. Even if he had been her slave for 10 years, and he was forced to be completely submissive to her… he wasn't. Any other slave would have given her the answer I love you, but Walter always answered her with another question.

She had been right when she decided to take him under her wing. With him on her side, she would never be bored.

"Yes, you are right. Your blood has already spoken for you. I just wanted to hear your answer, though." He could felt her slight chuckle on his skin before her fangs sunk into it, and heard the familiar sound of his blood being sucked by his lady.

Walter put his arms around her small frame, closing her tightly to his chest. At the beginning of their relationship he had hesitated, not wanting to touch his lady in this way. It seemed inappropriate, but when he dared for the first time and he wasn't rejected, he repeated it each morning. For him, it seemed to be the only way he could be closer to her.

Through the thin fabric of her nightgown he could feel her hot skin, bringing him into a state of euphoria, and due to that, the taste of his blood changed from good to delicious. The more feelings in his blood… the more delicious the meal.
Here he was, in his new classroom, surrounded by his new classmates. He wanted peace, but could have it. The news of a new student spread like a virus throughout the entire school. When he made his first appearance on the school grounds, dozens of female eyes turned to glance at him and his clearly unparalleled, masculine physique.

For the first time in his life he honestly believed that he was an endangered species at a zoo. For the first time in his life he pitied night class students who were, every day, suffocated by crazy day-class female students.

Zero was assaulted with a lot of questions about his hair and tattoo. Most of them said they should exchange traditional greetings or to come to one party or another. Well, in his mother country a glare was enough to stop crazy girls from circling around him like wasps, but here…no, these girls were immune…or just flat-out blind.

If someone asked him how hell looked like he would have simply answered that this was hell in its purest form. If someone asked him how heaven looked like he would have answered, my hands around that stupid megane man's neck would be his kind of heaven.

At that moment, Zero had just one tiny wish: to find his target, kill it and return home. Who cared about his responsibility? An eternity with Maria was better than an hour surrounded by these insane women.

And when he thought his mental state couldn't have suffered any more, a sweet but familiar scent reached his nostrils. His bad day was beginning to look like a good one. He couldn't have been mistaken. All his senses screamed to go to the scent, his new target. And it wasn't just any target. This scent belonged to a pureblood. He would be happy to end the life of that filthy vampire.

The door opened and the source of the scent came in.

Zero had seen enough purebloods in his short lifetime. All of them had fashion etiquette, and they were polite, more or less, but he never saw a pureblood vampire like the one who entered the classroom.

She was dressed in leather from head to toe. Her skirt was mid-thigh with a huge slit up the right side. Her shirt, if it could have been called such a thing, was too small. It barely covered her midsection. She was also wearing heeled boots.

Once she stepped inside, all male eyes stopped on her, again admiring her small yet revealing frame.

But the small red-haired vampire paid no attention to them and headed to her seat, across from Zero's.

Once she stepped on the school grounds, Anya felt the presence of a new vampire. And while she headed to her classroom, she felt a more intense, ominous aura.

Anya turned her head to Zero and smiled at him.

"Hi, I am Anya Cold. I guess you're the new student." She reached out her hand for a shake. Zero stared at the pale hand and in the end decided to be polite.

"Yes, I am the new student, Kiryu Zero. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. I sense we will have a lot of fun. After all, your role here will be to entertain me, hunter-san." Zero was surprised by her statement. He did not mention his role here, but somehow she knew about it. "Your name betrayed you and your killing aura. Your name reached this land, too." Anya chuckled and turned her attention to the teacher who just entered the classroom and started his lesson for the day.

"Cross! You idiot! Don't you know where you've sent me is the living form of hell on Earth? Why didn't you tell about my role as student?" No matter how much Zero wanted to have the reason of his bad mood standing right in front of him, he didn't, so he had no choice other than to rant over the phone.

"Zero-kun, glad to hear you're okay. I couldn't give you details about your mission due to your hurry to leave."

"You idiot. Just remember this: when I return I will kill you."

"Sure you will. Now, can you tell me about your mission?"

"…About that. You told me my target is hard to find. I found her in my first day at school. It wasn't hard at all."

"Zero-kun, I told you she's hard to catch, not hard to find. You were put in that academy to make catching her a bit of an easier task for you. Anya-san is very smart."

"I never told you her name. You already knew who she was?"

"Of course I knew. You would have known, too, if you would have taken the yellow envelope. All the details were in the damn thing."

That damn yellow envelope. I'm going to burn it when I get home.

"Zero-kun, since you already know she's a pureblood vampire, you can't kill her so easily. To do that, you need to find proof of her misbehavior, send your evidence here to be evaluated by the vampire council and hunters, and then you will have permission to handle her in any way you see fit. If you won't respect the protocol you will be accused of murder and we hunters won't be able to save you."

Damn these rules.

And here he thought he was just going to go hunt than damn woman right now and end her life. Sometimes, law was just one big pain in the ass.

"Fine! I will act accordingly with the law and after I find your stupid evidence, I will end the life of that filthy pureblood."

"If you follow the rules, no one will be bothered if you pull the trigger, Zero-kun. While you have your mission, you must be a good student. And don't bring shame to Cross Academy. We pulled a lot of strings to put you inside St. Elisabeth Academy."

"No worries. I'll make sure to do my homework."

"Oh, and Zero-kun… sorry for the weather!" were the last words Zero heard before he hung up the phone.
[Imagine: 486312-1.jpg]

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 13-02-2012, 01:06 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 16-02-2012, 12:02 AM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 16-02-2012, 03:48 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 10-03-2012, 11:42 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 13-03-2012, 11:08 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 13-04-2013, 09:22 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de yaoi maniac - 13-04-2013, 10:38 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 15-04-2013, 02:19 PM
RE: My Hunter-san - de ayame_chan - 09-05-2013, 02:18 PM

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