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The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (2010)

Spoiler alert.

To sum up 3 wasted hours of my life that I will never get back:
Alien robot girl wanted a normal life so she changed the world into a normal one. Alien robot girl left the stupid guy to decide if he wants said reality or their weird, supernatural one. Stupid guy although acknowledging that alien robot girl just wanted to be normal, chose the weird, supernatural reality because he was bored. Alien robot girl goes back to being an alien robot girl with no feelings. End of story.

Filmul nici macar nu a fost o comedie, daca am ras de doua ori a fost pentru ca imi imaginam doua metode foarte detaliate de a-l ucide pe the stupid guy ( care are un monolog plictisitor 3/4 din film in care se plange de orice si oricine ). Imi vreau cele 3 ore pierdute uitandu-ma la prostia asta, si vreau sa ii dau in judecata pe cei care au zis ca e o comedie.

[Imagine: tumblr_m95uonbiuU1re9dfoo1_500.gif]

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RE: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (2010) - de DiZ - 12-02-2012, 03:20 AM

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