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Redline (2009)

Voi prelua prezentarea direct de pe de vreme ce eu nu am in general rabdare sa scriu un synopsis.
[Imagine: 198317668_Redline_122_791lo.jpg]

Anidb A scris:The most dangerous and exciting car race in the universe is held only once every five years. And that's tonight. The competitors are lined up at the starting block. In his vehicle, JP, the most daredevil driver on the circuit, is ready for the green light. Female driver Sonoshee, with whom he is secretly in love, is also on the starting line. She will stop at nothing to get on to that podium. In this race, not only is anything possible, but also anything is allowed. In fact, their adversaries have modified their vehicles to equip them with highly destructive weapons; with such participants, it is hardly surprising that Redline is forbidden by the authorities, who will try anything to halt the proceedings. These speed addicts have to put themselves in mortal danger to achieve their aim: eternal glory for those who finally mount the podium.

Takeshi Koike's first animated feature Redline was presented as an international premiere on the Piazza Grande (Locarno International Film Festival).

Opened in Japanese cinemas more than a year later, on the 9th of October 2010.

Anime-ul asta pentru mine a reprezentat un fel de renastere a genului. Mi-a restarnit interesul pentru anime-uri mai recente (adica sa nu tot revizionez ceea ce mi-a placut in trecut, scarbit fiind de ce prind in prezent). Un film plin de actiune, de momente de dezvoltare de personaj superbe, cu un stil grafic care mi-a mers direct la inimioara mea de fan anime al anilor '90 (si mi-a amintit incredibil de mult de doua dintre anime-urile mele preferate: Dead Leaves si RE: Cutie Honey) si povestea simplista dar foarte bine executata.

Nu pot decat sa recomand filmul fanilor SF (stiu ca va ascundeti pe aici pe undeva) si celor ce au o placere in a viziona filmele celor de la MadHouse Studio, care prea rar dezamagesc (eh...a fost putem preface ca n-a existat).

Ah, si recomand din inima soundtrack-ul.
[Imagine: 14wyiz6.jpg]

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Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Redline (2009) - de CyBeR - 02-02-2012, 03:10 PM
RE: Redline (2009) - de CyBeR - 09-08-2012, 11:12 AM
RE: Redline (2009) - de Azazel - 10-08-2012, 11:08 AM
RE: Redline (2009) - de Stormrage - 17-05-2013, 05:03 PM
RE: Redline (2009) - de Ozymandias - 27-06-2014, 03:03 AM
RE: Redline (2009) - de wolfie - 20-03-2016, 09:22 PM

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