Genul de domnisoare pe care le-ar prefera Humbert din romanul Lolita al lui Nabokov.
Wikipedia says: The term gradually drifted to apply to a younger group, whose seeming lack of interest in work or marriage gained the word a "childish" image. It is now used almost interchangeably with kogyaru.
Long live superficiality! Nu, pe bune, is that all?
But wait, wikipedia has more: Gyaru fashion is typically characterized by dyed hair (which is often lightened to varying shades of brown or blonde), excessively decorated nails, and makeup. This makeup typically consists of dark eyeliner and dramatic fake eyelashes; gyaru sometimes wear cosmetic circle lenses as well to enhance the size of their irises. Brands cater to this particular trend by producing fake eyelashes, circle lenses, and other cosmetics.
Deci, practic, aceste domnisoare sunt asemanatoare cu superbele noastre pitipoance, am I right? Mi se pare trist faptul ca modelul american invadeaza toate tarile si, astfel, se creeaza copii xerox. Nu spun ca am ceva cu persoanele care adopta stilul asta, doamne feri, nu-i treaba mea, I couldn't care less, spun doar ca superficialitatea lor n-o sa le ajute absolut deloc. Bun, fratilor, treceti de adolescenta, va trec toanele astea, what's next? Daca adopta totul in mod superficial, unde vor ajunge?
Ah, si am gasit niste poze foarte spooky pe net zilele trecute cu niste dubiosenii numinte manba. Geez, internet, now look what you've done! Daca o sa-mi fie frica sa merg la noapte la baie iese urat, internet, hun, te avertizez!
Wikipedia says: The term gradually drifted to apply to a younger group, whose seeming lack of interest in work or marriage gained the word a "childish" image. It is now used almost interchangeably with kogyaru.
Long live superficiality! Nu, pe bune, is that all?
But wait, wikipedia has more: Gyaru fashion is typically characterized by dyed hair (which is often lightened to varying shades of brown or blonde), excessively decorated nails, and makeup. This makeup typically consists of dark eyeliner and dramatic fake eyelashes; gyaru sometimes wear cosmetic circle lenses as well to enhance the size of their irises. Brands cater to this particular trend by producing fake eyelashes, circle lenses, and other cosmetics.
Deci, practic, aceste domnisoare sunt asemanatoare cu superbele noastre pitipoance, am I right? Mi se pare trist faptul ca modelul american invadeaza toate tarile si, astfel, se creeaza copii xerox. Nu spun ca am ceva cu persoanele care adopta stilul asta, doamne feri, nu-i treaba mea, I couldn't care less, spun doar ca superficialitatea lor n-o sa le ajute absolut deloc. Bun, fratilor, treceti de adolescenta, va trec toanele astea, what's next? Daca adopta totul in mod superficial, unde vor ajunge?
Ah, si am gasit niste poze foarte spooky pe net zilele trecute cu niste dubiosenii numinte manba. Geez, internet, now look what you've done! Daca o sa-mi fie frica sa merg la noapte la baie iese urat, internet, hun, te avertizez!