Momentan citesc Great Expectations de Charles Dickens.
Am cartea in biblioteca de ceva vreme, insa nu m-am incumetat sa o incep ... adica, well, I'm quite a reader, not a huge blah blah one, but I love reading, numai ca nu aveam chef de cartea aceasta pana acum, nu ca acum as avea un chef incredibil, but I must read something, otherwise I'm quite dead. So, well, this is it. Anyway, the thing is, are un format incredibil de aiurea. Scris mic si inghesuit in pagina, are un format destul de urat si aranjarea in pagina SUX so MUCH that well, fux, nu stiu ce sa zic - imi obseste ochii incredibil si desi am stat ieri o mare parte din zi sa citesc well from the book, nu am reusit decat sa trec prin 150 de pagini because some 50 I've read the other day.
The thing is, the book it's okay. It's not really something I'm in the mood of reading right now and Pip - well, it's Pip after all and I don't know if could say that the book is a masterpiece or just one of those overrated books. I incline to think it's a really good book by the message it has, but I am not really into it right now so I can't say I'm dying because of it. All i say is that it's an OKAY book to read right now when I'm busted, I need to read something to keep my mind and intellectual - not really - needs high up. I mean, I'm like "reading something in english right now I need" facand abstractie de exprimarea stupida si faptul ca, anyways, sunt destul de incoherent right now.
Povestea este okay, descierea okay, personajul Pip okay. the book is okay, dar dat fiind mood-ul meu screwed up and unsatisfied, trebuie sa recunosc ca exista niste pasaje care ma scot din minte si imi vine sa arunc cu cartea in perete. GAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Gata, m-am eliberat.
Sport la citit, lol.
Am cartea in biblioteca de ceva vreme, insa nu m-am incumetat sa o incep ... adica, well, I'm quite a reader, not a huge blah blah one, but I love reading, numai ca nu aveam chef de cartea aceasta pana acum, nu ca acum as avea un chef incredibil, but I must read something, otherwise I'm quite dead. So, well, this is it. Anyway, the thing is, are un format incredibil de aiurea. Scris mic si inghesuit in pagina, are un format destul de urat si aranjarea in pagina SUX so MUCH that well, fux, nu stiu ce sa zic - imi obseste ochii incredibil si desi am stat ieri o mare parte din zi sa citesc well from the book, nu am reusit decat sa trec prin 150 de pagini because some 50 I've read the other day.
The thing is, the book it's okay. It's not really something I'm in the mood of reading right now and Pip - well, it's Pip after all and I don't know if could say that the book is a masterpiece or just one of those overrated books. I incline to think it's a really good book by the message it has, but I am not really into it right now so I can't say I'm dying because of it. All i say is that it's an OKAY book to read right now when I'm busted, I need to read something to keep my mind and intellectual - not really - needs high up. I mean, I'm like "reading something in english right now I need" facand abstractie de exprimarea stupida si faptul ca, anyways, sunt destul de incoherent right now.
Povestea este okay, descierea okay, personajul Pip okay. the book is okay, dar dat fiind mood-ul meu screwed up and unsatisfied, trebuie sa recunosc ca exista niste pasaje care ma scot din minte si imi vine sa arunc cu cartea in perete. GAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Gata, m-am eliberat.
Sport la citit, lol.