08-08-2011, 10:34 PM
Sunt atat de plictisit incat poste aici. x_X
Mood: Unul de c*cat.
Locaţie: Pe scaun
Mănânc: Nimic
Beau: ^
Sunt îmbrăcată în: Haine (Pantaloni scurti, tricou, boxeri)
Ascult: Eminem - Lose yourself
Privesc: Monitorul
Status mess: Oh, I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight
I should've walked away
Vorbesc pe mess cu: Nimeni, momentan
Citesc: Ce scriu aici
Mă gândesc la: Multe si totusi la nimic
Dating: In afara de pat, nimic planificat
Doresc: Multe, dar n-o sa primesc oricum
Iubesc pe: Nimeni
Nervos pe: Niste maruntisuri
Urăsc pe: Nimeni
ÃŽmi lipseÅŸte: Mama? x_X
Abia aştept să: Plec la tara?
Mood: Unul de c*cat.
Locaţie: Pe scaun
Mănânc: Nimic
Beau: ^
Sunt îmbrăcată în: Haine (Pantaloni scurti, tricou, boxeri)
Ascult: Eminem - Lose yourself
Privesc: Monitorul
Status mess: Oh, I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight
I should've walked away
Vorbesc pe mess cu: Nimeni, momentan
Citesc: Ce scriu aici
Mă gândesc la: Multe si totusi la nimic
Dating: In afara de pat, nimic planificat
Doresc: Multe, dar n-o sa primesc oricum
Iubesc pe: Nimeni
Nervos pe: Niste maruntisuri
Urăsc pe: Nimeni
ÃŽmi lipseÅŸte: Mama? x_X
Abia aştept să: Plec la tara?
We touch I feel a rush, we clutch it isn't much
But it's enough to make me wonder whats in store for us
It's lust, it's torturous, you must be a sorceress
'Cause you just, did the impossible, gained my trust
Don't play games it'll be dangerous if you fu*k me over
'Cause if I get burnt imma show you what it's like to hurt
'Cause I been treated like dirt before you
And love is "evol", spell it backwards I'll show you
Nobody knows me I'm cold walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own, it's the path I've chosen to go
Don't click! Dangerous!