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Oare de ce L stia ca Light e KIra?

Tipul/tipa care a pus intrebarea. Ti-as sugera sa revizionezi anime-ul. Explica acolo de ce L stia ca Light e Kira. Chiar daca nu era sigur.
Si motivele sunt cele enumerate si de altii.
Datorita "farsei" cu falsul L, Lawliet (L) si-a dat seama ca ucigasul e in Japonia, mai exact intr-o anumita regiune a Japoniei (nu tin minte numele). Ucigasul ucidea la anumite ore si avea acces la date secrete din cardul cazului. Cam asa s-a ajuns la Light.
[Imagine: baru.png]
We touch I feel a rush, we clutch it isn't much
But it's enough to make me wonder whats in store for us
It's lust, it's torturous, you must be a sorceress
'Cause you just, did the impossible, gained my trust
Don't play games it'll be dangerous if you fu*k me over
'Cause if I get burnt imma show you what it's like to hurt
'Cause I been treated like dirt before you
And love is "evol", spell it backwards I'll show you

Nobody knows me I'm cold walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own, it's the path I've chosen to go

Don't click! Dangerous!

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Oare de ce L stia ca Light e KIra? - de cryssy - 07-10-2010, 10:13 AM
RE: Oare de ce L stia ca Light e KIra? - de ~Space-Bound - 01-08-2011, 05:16 PM
Ruri here. - de Liar - 01-08-2011, 09:51 PM

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