Citat:Romanele Sandrei Brown sunt fantastice, am citit cu gramada. Atat de mult romantism..
As zice, mai degraba "erotism si telenovelism" or something like that. Si mie mi-au placut romanele lu' Sandra Brown cand le-am citit... hmmm, it was like, dunno, la inceputul carierei mele de reader, or anything, and I really enjoyed them. they were... pervert and kinky and all that sit. But mereu le-am considerat niste carti erotice cu niste soap opera stories aruncate acolo, which I certainly liked lol, dar nu romantism.
Mi-a placut Matase frantuzeasca a whole lot. I can say that's a nice book, din ce am citit eu de Sandra Brown. She's widely known, anyways.
Eu tocmai am terminat de citit Franny and Zooey de J.D Salinger, care mi-a placut mult, it was so sweet. in orice caz, mie imi place foarte mult cum scrie Salinger si nu imi pot imagina sa citesc ceva de el in alta limba decat engleza. dunno why. Acum m-am obisnuit asa si sunt suta la suta sigura ca nu as putea sa ii agreez stilul in limba romana. whatever would be. i just know that. I love its english style. Actually, "his" english style. That makes nosense.
Ma rog, carticica am citit-o pe calculator si in paralel inca citesc si Idiotul, just that, ma rog, cititnd-o pe calculator, am citit-o in 2 zile ca a fost scurta, timp pe care nu l-am petrecut prea mult la pc and all cuz I've been busy as hell but the thing is, y'know .. i liked the book. M-a surprins pentru ca nu ma asteptam la o astfel de povestioara si ma asteptam, mai degraba ca Franny sa fie baiat si Zooey fata si ca, de fapt, they were a couple or a boy and a girl. But they were... omfg, brothers. I just loved that si toata povestea and about Religion and all that and about Jesus' Prayer. Gosh it was so... interesting. Yeah, that's the word. M-a captivat, in a way or another, plus ca asa cum am zis si mai sus, mie imi place rau de tot stilul asta simplu si crazy si ratutit al lui Salinger. Stiu ca nu-i, poate, cel mai bun si poate peste ani nu o sa imi mai placa asa de tare, but dunno, m-a prins rau de tot cu Catcher in the Rye si cu those uncollected stories I've read by him and ... well acum citind si povestioara asta, well, this bookie wookie, I just think he's great. I mean, I just like his work and that's all.
Si aceasta a fost o lectura usoara, placuta, entertaining, full of nice gorgeous cutie words actually si pur si simplu nu voiam sa ma opresc din citit. that's what happens when I read Salinger's work. lol. I keep feeling that I should read, AGAIN, catcher in the rye. I'm sick, I know it. I love Holden.
Ma rog, si pe Zooey l-am adorat. Are Salinger ceva cu personajele acestea, he just makes me love 'em. And his work. And his style. And his books. And Zooey and "his gorgeous face" that brings "sun wherever he goes". Anyway, it was a nice bookie.