01-07-2011, 11:50 PM
andra: Mă bucur că-ţi face plăcere să mă citeşti, gândurile-mi bolnave" ca să zic aşa . :P
Cu oţelul până la genunchi.hhmm, ai înţeles ideea în mare, e vorba de decăderea poporului nostru..şi ruşii, maghiarii, turcii, au dat şi ei o mână de ajutor la această decădere...
A fost mai mult simbolistă poezia asta că-i scurtă concisă, mai multe cuvinte prezintă idei ample .
A şi ca să fiu recunoscător, îţi voi citi şi eu ficul :P
We are not prepared
The fact is folks we are all addicted to god's will.
If you don't agree you'll burn and suffer on his grill.
I think he loves human chips and people kebabs.
No wonder he's so hungry he has so many jobs.
His job is to prevent any human conflict.
But to be honest, someone gaved me a hint;
someone told me that he doesn't give a shit
about our problems, not even a little bit.
Another job will be enjoying his favorite show "how people suffer";.
while the evil one imposits every human soul, just like a banker.
He's infinite and immortal, but he can't manage to find time for us.
He'll probably care about us when we will be more peacefull then jesus.
Cu oţelul până la genunchi.hhmm, ai înţeles ideea în mare, e vorba de decăderea poporului nostru..şi ruşii, maghiarii, turcii, au dat şi ei o mână de ajutor la această decădere...
A fost mai mult simbolistă poezia asta că-i scurtă concisă, mai multe cuvinte prezintă idei ample .
A şi ca să fiu recunoscător, îţi voi citi şi eu ficul :P
We are not prepared
The fact is folks we are all addicted to god's will.
If you don't agree you'll burn and suffer on his grill.
I think he loves human chips and people kebabs.
No wonder he's so hungry he has so many jobs.
His job is to prevent any human conflict.
But to be honest, someone gaved me a hint;
someone told me that he doesn't give a shit
about our problems, not even a little bit.
Another job will be enjoying his favorite show "how people suffer";.
while the evil one imposits every human soul, just like a banker.
He's infinite and immortal, but he can't manage to find time for us.
He'll probably care about us when we will be more peacefull then jesus.
I've been wrong, I've been down
Into the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream *are we having fun yet?*
Into the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream *are we having fun yet?*