27-06-2011, 08:38 PM
ã€ï¾‹ï¾ŸÏ‰ï¾Ÿï½ºã€‘- De-ar fi Kalmah hard rock.
@On; I shall give it a 7, m-am îndepărtat de genul ăsta de .. o vreme. No offence, they're average * not my style though* but they're fine, I guess. Ideea e cam fumată - la lirică mă refer - but whatsoever, primesc 7.
Next: Mirror mirror on the wall
@On; I shall give it a 7, m-am îndepărtat de genul ăsta de .. o vreme. No offence, they're average * not my style though* but they're fine, I guess. Ideea e cam fumată - la lirică mă refer - but whatsoever, primesc 7.
Next: Mirror mirror on the wall