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Soul Eater

Oh...ce pot sa zic... E ANIME'UL MEU PREFERAT Smile e super: actiunea e foarte interesanta si captivanta, are comedie (am ras la fiecare episod mai ales cel cu tesul 21 ma sufocam de la atata ras21 ) , sunt si unele chestii putin infricosatoare cum ar fi Medusa cand face o fatza ciudata o.O, ideea acestui anime este grozava >.< , cu lupte captivante etc... as putea descrie acest anime o zi intreaga si numai lucruri de bine as spuneSmile71
Deci..sunt asa obsedata de Death the Kid... e chiar nick'ul meu xD...pur si simplu I love him 8
Cred ca am zis destule despre acest anime XD
My broken wings/Still strong enough to cross the ocean with/My broken wings,/How far should I go drifting in the wind?/Higher and higher in the light...

Fan Art : My Drawings smile
[Imagine: No_Thank_You___K_On_by_DChristine.gif]

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Soul Eater - de JavaLeen - 05-05-2008, 09:42 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de Saravis - 21-06-2011, 03:12 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de Liar - 22-06-2011, 08:18 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de DeathTheKid - 22-06-2011, 08:56 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de Ayame Chan - 04-07-2011, 08:09 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de KathVonTe - 16-07-2011, 01:12 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de Aggie - 04-08-2012, 08:32 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de Chriss - 09-08-2012, 03:58 PM
RE: Soul Eater - de Crazy~Tenshi - 28-03-2013, 12:40 AM
RE: Soul Eater - de BloodyInnocence - 27-04-2013, 10:07 AM
RE: Soul Eater - de yaoi maniac - 27-04-2013, 11:03 AM
RE: Soul Eater - de HanniGram - 31-07-2013, 08:16 AM

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  Soul Eater (intrebari) KytSoldier 2 2.880 28-07-2012, 12:42 AM
Ultimul răspuns: KytSoldier

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