22-04-2011, 10:01 AM
Solista de la Leave's Eyes are voce naspa [ desi instrumentalul e bun ] si trupa ca un intreg e nula pe langa Tristania. Au instrumentale, versuri si vocals bune - merita, zic eu.
Next: Demons and Wizards cu Fiddler on the Green, Blood on my hands, Seize the day ÅŸi Led Zeppelin cover
ÅŸi Iced Earth cu Dracula, Melancholy, Travel in Stygian
Solista de la Leave's Eyes are voce naspa [ desi instrumentalul e bun ] si trupa ca un intreg e nula pe langa Tristania. Au instrumentale, versuri si vocals bune - merita, zic eu.
Next: Demons and Wizards cu Fiddler on the Green, Blood on my hands, Seize the day ÅŸi Led Zeppelin cover
ÅŸi Iced Earth cu Dracula, Melancholy, Travel in Stygian