07-03-2011, 04:05 PM
Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi
He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk.
And she did ballet.
What more can I say?
He wanted her.
She'd never tell.
Secretly she wanted him as well.
And all of her friends
Stuck up their nose.
And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.
He was a sk8er boi she said see ya later boi.
He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now she sits at home feeding the baby she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees.
Sk8er boi rocking up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show.
She tags along, stands in the crowd . Looks up at the man that she turned down.
He was a sk8er boi she said see ya later boi. He wasn't good enough for her.
Now he's a superstar slamming on his guitar to show pretty face what he's worth.
Sorry girl but you missed out.
Well tough luck that boi's mine now.
We are more than just good friends.
This is how the story ends.
Too bad that you couldn't see.. see the man that boi could be.
There is more than meets the eye, I see the soul that is inside.
He's just a boi, and I'm just a girl.
Can I make it anymore obvious?
We are in love.
Haven't you heard how we rock each other's world?
I met the sk8er boi I said see ya later boi.
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote about a girl he used to know
I met the sk8er boi I said see ya later boi.
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote about a girl he used to know
Cincizeci de minute ne despart privirile. Mă doare să te văd mereu atât de distant faţă de mine. Cu ea eşti simplu tu, cu mine de ce nu ai fi? Mă laşi să sper că într-o zi vei putea să-mi vorbeşti aşa cum şi eu încerc să îţi arăt că ţin la tine, dar eşti atât de orb încât nu vezi dincolo de această ceaţă densă pe care ai creat-o de unul singur. Flacăra ce trăieşte-n mine devine din ce-n ce mai puternică cu fiecare privire, cu fiecare literă pe care mi-o rosteşti, dar îmi este frică. Frică ca într-o bună zi această scânteie să se stingă în mometul în care te voi vedea de mână cu ea. Îţi cer un singur lucru, te implor nu mă lăsa în urmă. Nu mă lăsa să fiu doar o umbră a trecutului...