01-03-2011, 04:57 PM
Nu pot sa cred, o iubeste :>< si s-au sarutat, ce e in cutie, ce e in cutie?
Ce se ascunde in spatele misteriosului "cavaler" roscat?????????Care e secretul care nu a putut fi spus pe moment????
Cand pui next-ul, vreau sa mai citesc inca un capitol (care e urmat de inca unul si inca unul si tot asa) din fic.
Sincer nu am gasit nici o greseala de ortografie; naratiunea este ok; la descriere, daca poti te rog, sunt unele chestiuare miculute care daca le dai atentie atunci face ca locul descris sa fie mai "magic" sau chiar foarte special; dialogul este si el foarte ok.
Spor la scris si multa inspiratie.
BBye-bbye :-h:bv:
Ce se ascunde in spatele misteriosului "cavaler" roscat?????????Care e secretul care nu a putut fi spus pe moment????
Cand pui next-ul, vreau sa mai citesc inca un capitol (care e urmat de inca unul si inca unul si tot asa) din fic.
Sincer nu am gasit nici o greseala de ortografie; naratiunea este ok; la descriere, daca poti te rog, sunt unele chestiuare miculute care daca le dai atentie atunci face ca locul descris sa fie mai "magic" sau chiar foarte special; dialogul este si el foarte ok.
Spor la scris si multa inspiratie.
BBye-bbye :-h:bv:
"I'm crying inside and nobody know it but me."
„Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one, I still got the seed…“
Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence,
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying... "
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one, I still got the seed…“
"Another head hangs lowly, Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence,
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying... "