13-02-2011, 02:09 AM
Jesus Christ! Ce boala, oameni buni? >.> inca se cerceetaza care e treaba, but se considera ca e ceva legat de mai mult testosteron la fete, fapt pt care sunt lebiene, si mai mult estrogen la baietii care sunt gay.
So wtf? Nu e vina lor, si in niciun caz nu trebuie sa fie judecati >.>
iar la
"1.Pentru ca scade sansele de reproducere ale individului. Tu de ce traiesti pe pamant? Sa te satisfaci? "
Wait a sec! Sunt milioane de cupluri str8 care nu pot avea copii. That means is only for satisfaction?
For shit's sake ppl! Wake up, this is Earth. Sunt si asa destule discriminari si destui homofobi
Once a queer(gay) guy said: "I'm a co*k-su*ker! I'm queer! And to anyone who takes pity or offense, I say, "judge yourself." This is where I live. This is who I am. "
So wtf? Nu e vina lor, si in niciun caz nu trebuie sa fie judecati >.>
iar la
"1.Pentru ca scade sansele de reproducere ale individului. Tu de ce traiesti pe pamant? Sa te satisfaci? "
Wait a sec! Sunt milioane de cupluri str8 care nu pot avea copii. That means is only for satisfaction?
For shit's sake ppl! Wake up, this is Earth. Sunt si asa destule discriminari si destui homofobi
Once a queer(gay) guy said: "I'm a co*k-su*ker! I'm queer! And to anyone who takes pity or offense, I say, "judge yourself." This is where I live. This is who I am. "
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Why is it that, as a culture we are more comfortable with seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? [Ernest Gaines]