08-02-2011, 07:15 PM
Oh well, actually i don't like the idea of the human being compared with an animal >.> De fapt, ideea nu ma incanta deloc, pentru ca omul nu este un animal O.o... nu in felul in care ar trebui sa fie un animal cel putin Poate logica mea nu e foarte logica, si yea, pot intelege gresit unele lucruri, dar zice ca omul ar trebui sa accepte ca este un animal? like wtf?
Not so pleased-7 (si totusi, 7 pentru ca unele comportari ale noastre duc foarte bine spre animale)
Oh and faza cu
in fine, quotul meu este atul ^^
AND I'll stick to Brian's quotes ^^ (Brian Kinney)
It's not lying if they make you lie. If the only truth they can accept is their own.
Not so pleased-7 (si totusi, 7 pentru ca unele comportari ale noastre duc foarte bine spre animale)
Oh and faza cu
Citat:'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'.Era cineva care zicea ceva de genul asta: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words ... words might hurt me deeply, causing great emotional, mental, and psychological damage leading to a lowered self-esteem and decreased work-related efficiency"
in fine, quotul meu este atul ^^
AND I'll stick to Brian's quotes ^^ (Brian Kinney)
It's not lying if they make you lie. If the only truth they can accept is their own.
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Why is it that, as a culture we are more comfortable with seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? [Ernest Gaines]