16-08-2010, 05:56 PM
Varsta:14 ani si jumatate
Clasa/Anul: a 8-a(trec acum si nu, nu am ramas repetenta :)))
Genul preferat de ficuri: School-life, Horror, Romance, Fantasty etc...
Perioada de cand scrie*: De o jumatate de an
Ficuri postate pe zup**: Pana acum niciunul.
Clasa/Anul: a 8-a(trec acum si nu, nu am ramas repetenta :)))
Genul preferat de ficuri: School-life, Horror, Romance, Fantasty etc...
Perioada de cand scrie*: De o jumatate de an
Ficuri postate pe zup**: Pana acum niciunul.
After a while you learn the difference between holding a hand and falling in love. You begin to learn that kisses don`t always mean something. Promises can be broken just as quickly as they are made and that goodbyes really are forever. . .