11-04-2010, 09:25 PM
Sincer...blugii sunt singurul articol vestimentar de care mie îmi este greu să mă despart. Eu port blugi în orice anotimp şi moment al zilei(ma rog...înafara de noapte,cand am pijama). Pantaloni scurţi... cam tot ce am ţine de blugi. Ah... şi mai am vre-o trei perechi de pantaloni de trening..dar sunt minoritatea din majoritate. Deci da... ador, iubesc blugii :X.
Next: Fan Fiction
Next: Fan Fiction
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.
You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light