18-07-2007, 06:43 PM
* Tickapa...i know...am probleme la desenatul genunchilor, rochia aia se numeshte kimono si ms de sfat..data viitoare o se incerc sa desenez shi putin din picior.
* Hiryuu_Hina that eye problem >.< ms k miai semnalat gresheala, and that is why i hate to draw kimonos because the ...ahem...chest doesn't look how it should.
un desen ceva mai nou pe care lam terminat ieri.
* Hiryuu_Hina that eye problem >.< ms k miai semnalat gresheala, and that is why i hate to draw kimonos because the ...ahem...chest doesn't look how it should.
un desen ceva mai nou pe care lam terminat ieri.